Jul 20, 2023 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Jul 20, 2023 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Features and improvements

Core modules

Admin. The Provider ID column is now available on the Service Providers search page and in the MS Excel service providers template.

Dashboard. In Dashboard 2.0, we’ve added a sort icon next to the Sort By dropdown on the View Open Work Orders and View All Work Orders tab. When sorting a work order list by different criteria, for example, by Scheduled Date, now you can switch between ascending and descending order view.

Dashboard. To give you a better experience in Dashboard 2.0, on the View Open Work Orders tab in the list view, we've added the following column headers: Schedule DateTracking #Priority & Status, and Description.

Add-on modules

No features and improvements for add-on modules.

Bug fixes

Core modules

Dashboard. The Problem Group column has been renamed Problem Type in the MS Excel issue list template to make it consistent with the issue list.

Planned Maintenance Manager. When you uploaded planned maintenance services via the MS Excel template and modified the service that belonged to the Maintenance category, you may have noticed that the Category field in the Edit modal displayed the Select Category option instead of Maintenance. We've handled that matter.

Proposals. When you created a proposal and entered the number containing spaces, no proposal number was seen on the work order details page. We’ve tackled the issue and removed the ability to set the proposal number consisting only of spaces.

Work Orders. For the work orders with auto-reassign rules applied, when a provider declined a work order via email or API, a note about the decline didn’t appear in the work order notes. Now the decline note appears as expected.

Work Orders. The total NTE didn't display next to the total number of work orders on the work order list view page. We’ve brought it back.

Work Orders. Upon creating a work order note via API, when your note contained HTML markup, for example, a table, the note appeared on the work order details page with HTML tags. We've tackled this issue, and nothing is superfluous in the work order notes.

Add-on modules

No bugs for add-on modules.