Mar 16, 2022 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Mar 16, 2022 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Features and improvements

Core modules

Dashboard. You can now bundle together the filters for WO duplicates and the Disable Duplicate WO for Trade filter for finer adjustment of duplicate WO tracking. It was possible to select both settings before, but, in some cases, they didn't work together. Now they do! These filters are available in dashboard settings — the Request tab.

Add-on modules

No features and improvements for add-on modules.

Bug fixes

Core modules

Admin. After you customized password complexity rules for a user, they got reset back to the global settings. These undesired changes won't occur anymore.

Dashboard. Occasionally, the Enable Negative Feedback Notification option was missing in dashboard settings. We've brought it back.

Dashboard. Those who had Guided Troubleshooting set up, might have experienced issues with NTE overrides. In cases where the NTE amount should have been modified according to the NTE overrides set in the issue list, it remained unchanged on a work order. We've spotted the problem and cracked it.

Provider Directory. As providers may have noticed, error notifications didn't appear under the corresponding fields when providers created or edited their rate types, and something was filled out incorrectly. We’ve made some tweaks, so this issue won't bother providers anymore.

Work Orders. Once a provider declined a work order, and it was auto-reassigned, they could re-accept it, though the WO didn't belong to them anymore. In such cases, the next rank provider was displayed in WO notes as if they accepted it, which was also misleading. The problem is solved.

Work Orders. The work order number wasn't displayed when a provider declined a work order via the Decline button in the New Service Request email. We've done with that issue.

Work Orders. The WOs list no longer gets stuck and throws an error when you download the All Calls (Long Format) Report from it.

Add-on modules

Refrigerant Tracking Manager. Previously, when you tried to save a leak record, the entered information didn't get saved, and there was no error message explaining why. This happened due to a time zone discrepancy. We've made some improvements. Now, if there is a time zone discrepancy, you’ll see the warning message: Leak Record Completion date can not be less than refrigerant usage date.