Aug 27, 2021 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Aug 27, 2021 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Features and improvements

Core modules

Provider Directory. We’ve revamped the provider profile to make it a company portfolio that helps clients learn more about your business and the services you provide. It also gives you a better experience in completing and managing your business profile, including an interactive coverage map to keep your trades and service coverage up to date.

Proposals. Filtering proposals by state has got smarter. When you filter your proposals by this criterion on the new proposals list, we will show you all proposals created for the locations in this state — even if these locations are lacking the state information on the location details page.

Work Orders. For those who use our Notes Visibility feature, we’ve brought more clarity into the process of making a WO note invisible to the provider. When you post a note and opt to keep it hidden from the provider, hover over the eye 👁️ icon next to the Visible to Provider checkbox. The tooltip will appear letting you know that, with the checkbox cleared, the WO provider will not be able to access the note either from the app or from the notification email. However, any other updates, such as the WO scheduled date change, will result in an email alert to the provider.

Work Orders. If the need arises, you can change the subtotal and tax amounts on a work order to the NTE amount. It is now possible to take this action from the overlay for WO editing.

Add-on modules

Projects. Contingency reasons can now be found among project details! The Contingency Reason that you specify along with the contingency amount when submitting your project for approval is now displayed under the following tabs of the project details page:

  • Tasks List
  • Approval Routing
  • History

Bug fixes

Core modules

Locations. Australian users could have noticed that searching for locations by State/Province in some cases showed no results. We’ve fixed the search mechanism — now, all the existing locations are displayed for the state you select.

Planned Maintenance Manager. An interface glitch hit the hamburger menu. Those who used the platform in French or Spanish might have noticed that the hamburger menu refused to close in full. After you accessed the PM module via the hamburger menu, the menu would still be partially visible on the page, overlapping some of its content. We’ve oiled the menu lavishly, and now it works without getting stuck.

Work Orders. It’s no longer possible to use the same work order number on several work orders — when these WOs are assigned to the same provider. However, you can still reuse a WO number on service requests that are dispatched to different providers.

Add-on modules

Inventory Manager. Under the Locations tab of the enhanced Inventory Manager, we’ve fixed the problem with searching for parts by part number and name. The system allowed searching for parts only on the first page, making it impossible to search by these two criteria on the second, third, and subsequent pages. P.S. When searching by part number, enter the exact number to see the result. When you search by part name, a keyword would be enough.