SC Provider 2106.2 iOS RNs

SC Provider 2106.2 iOS RNs

Features and improvements

Work Orders. To quickly find work orders by caller, enter the caller name in the Service ID search field. The app will find all service requests matching the specified caller name.

Bug fixes

Checklists. Attaching a picture when answering a checklist question caused an interface glitch. If your client required you to provide a picture, the note informing that the picture was mandatory overlapped the image you attached.

Checklists. When you were asked to provide a text answer to a checklist question, the app sometimes opened the numeric keypad instead of the text keypad, making it impossible for you to enter a text answer.

Work Orders. A blank screen appeared when you tried to view detailed information about the asset associated with a work order from the WO details page. Missing asset details have been found and returned back to the asset details screen.

Work Orders. Let’s say you’ve changed your mind and no longer want to take a new photo/video and attach it to a work order. Just tap Cancel to exit the camera mode. We’ve fixed this button so that it does what it is designed for.

Work Orders. Some FTM internal technicians lost their ability to update assets on work orders from the WO details screen. It happened in case their client prevented external providers from changing assets on service requests. The rule that was applied for external providers also spread to FTM internal techs, disrupting their work. Now, assets on work orders can be updated by FTM techs regardless of their client’s settings for external providers.

This version was released on Jun 21, 2021.