SC Provider 2006.2 Android RNs

SC Provider 2006.2 Android RNs

Features and improvements

No features and improvements for this version.


Bug fixes

General. For FTM internal technicians, we’ve slightly resized menu items on the home screen. All the items are visible on the screen right away — no more scrolling up or down to pick the desired option.

General. Some FTM internal technicians couldn’t add profile photos if they were picked from their device gallery and then cropped. No more problems with photos like these.

General. Those of you with access to location emergency maps saw a blank screen instead of maps. Maps are displayed correctly now. Note: whether or not you can access emergency maps depends on your company account settings.

General. While filling out contact details in your profile, you could use special characters for a zip code. Since zip codes don’t actually need any special characters, only digits are allowed now.

Time Tracking. As an FTM internal tech, you may have experienced a problem with starting to track the time spent on custom activities. We got the time tracking tool back to normal.

Work Orders. There was a problem with answering checklist questions where you needed to manually enter a response in a text field. In case special characters were used in your response, an error message popped up. Special characters don’t trigger errors anymore.

Work Orders. When you selected a location to create a work order from the map view, your current position was displayed by two different points on the map — as if you were in two different places at the same time. The map now accurately shows where you are.

This version was released on Jun 26, 2020.

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