AnchorFilteringProposalsFilteringProposalsFiltering Proposals

Before taking action on proposals, you may have to find the proposals you need. You can either use the Filter or Search panels to find the required proposals. These panels are located to the left of the Proposal List. This panel is expanded by default, but you can collapse it to view the Proposals list better. 

In the Filter panel, you can filter proposals by their status, submission date, assigned user, amount, location, trade, category, provider and other criteria.

When on the Filter section, you can apply filters one by one — every time you select a filter, the Proposals List refreshes and displays updated results.


Use this option when the number of proposals and the number of filters to apply to is not very large.

You can locate proposals with the filter and search tab. Using the filter and search tab saves time when having to locate specific proposals. Each method provides an accurate and quick approach to finding any proposal.

The filter options allows you to select from a variety of criterions to pinpoint then find proposals that fit into those selections. For example, you can select the location ID, provider, and amount filters and proposals appear on the list view based on the criterion. You can also locate proposals by saving your filter selections for future use. Saved filters can be edited and deleted at any time. 

The search options allows you to find a specific proposal by using at least one of the search choices. You can also search for proposals by using the ALP

At any given time, you can revert back to Legacy View for proposals. 

Filtering Proposals

You may filter proposals by their status, submission date, assigned user, and other criteria.

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title⦿ How to Find and Filter Proposals
  1. On the top navigation bar, click Proposals. Alternatively, you can click the menu icon in the upper-left corner and select RFPs / ProposalsView/Process Proposals.

  2. In the Filters panel, apply filters to retrieve the proposals you need.

    titleClick here to expand the filtering criteria.
    1. Proposal Date/Scheduled date/Action date.

    2. AssigneeUse this dropdown to view proposals that have a particular assignee or no assignee at all.

    3. GL code. Type in the GL code to search for needed proposals in the GL Code Filter field.GL codes can be added to the proposals during the approval process.


      Contact your ServiceChannel manager to enable the GL code filter. 

      titleExpand to view how MLP users search for the proposals.

      MLP users can search for the proposals using 2 ways: 

      • By a GL code added by previous MLP levels when the proposal has been approved.

        Screenshot showing the approval code fieldImage Added
      • By a GL code of the work order linked to this proposal. 

        Screenshot showing the GL code on the work orderImage Added

    4. Additional Approval Code. If proposals have additional approval codes, first, enter the AAC Name, and, in the field that appears below the AAC Name field, enter the AAC Value. You can add several values for one search to view more proposals. 
      In the example below, AAC Name – Repair Approval Code, AAC Value – 63525-2.

      Screenshot showing the AAC code filterImage Added


      Contact your ServiceChannel manager to enable the AAC code filter. 

      titleExpand to view how MLP users search for the proposals.

      MLP users can search for the proposals using 2 ways: 

      • By an AAC added by previousMLP levels when the proposal has been approved.  

        Screenshot showing additional approval codesImage Added
      • By an AAC code of the work order linked to this proposal.  

        Screenshot showing the AAC codes of the work orderImage Added

    5. Amount. Proposal amount.

    6. Proposals Statuses (checkboxes). Apply this filter to view work orders in multiple statuses.

    7. TradesUse this dropdown list to select trades one by one.

    8. Categories

      . If needed, select

      (Select the Include MLP suggested category checkbox if needed).

    9. Location

    10. Location notes.
    11. Providers.
    12. Work order

      filters. Use this option to view work orders filtered by any of the following location detail:

      • Location ID
      • Location Address
      • Location Name
      • Region
      • City
      • State/Province
      • Country 

      • District
    13. Location notes. You may filter proposals by location note headers that are set up for your company in the Admin module. 

    14. Providers. View work orders assigned to specific service providers. To select a provider, click the Providers dropdown menu, and select the desired provider name. Repeat to add more providers.

    15. Priority. View proposals of the selected WO priority.

    16. Labels. Use this dropdown to select proposals with a specific Label applied,

    17. ProjectsUse this dropdown to select proposals that belong to a particular project.

    18. Proposals with Attachments Only


      . Select this checkbox to get work orders with attachments.

    19. Exclude Proposals with a Work Order (checkbox)Select this checkbox to get proposals without work orders.

    Additional filters may be available depending on your system configuration.

  3. When ready, click Apply.


The maximum number of proposals you can view on the Proposals List is 100. Should you receive an error, go back to the Search and Filter page, and modify your search criteria.

You land on the Proposals List displaying proposals based on the filters you applied.


The maximum number of proposals you can view on the Proposals List is 100.


Filters and Managing Saved


In your everyday work, you may need to apply the same set of filters over and over again.

For this purpose, once you select the filters you need, you may save them as a set and use this set later on. Also, you can select which of your saved filter sets should appear on QuickView. You can edit or even delete saved filters when you don’t need them anymore.


Your saved filters are only available to you. Saved filters cannot be shared with others.

title⦿ How to Save a Filter Set
  1. Select the desired filtering criteria.
  2. Click Save Current Filter. A text field appears.
  3. Enter the filter set name, and click Save Filter.

The filter is saved, and its name is displayed in the My Saved Filters drop-down list.

Editing Filters

After you save a filter set, you may need to edit some of its options.

title⦿ How to Edit a Filter Set
  1. In the My Saved Filters drop-down list, select the filter set you want to edit. The Work Orders Proposals List refreshes applying the selected filter set.
  2. Add or remove any filtering criteria as needed.
  3. Click Save Current Filter. The name of your selected filter appears in the text field.
  4. Click Update Existing Filter.

The filter set is updated.

Deleting Filters

When you don’t need a saved filter anymore, you can delete it.

title⦿ How to Delete a Filter Set
  1. Click Edit Filters. The popup with a list of saved filters appears.
  2. Click the trash icon next to the desired filter, and click Save.

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  1.  The filter is deleted.
AnchorDefaultFilterDefaultFilterCreating a Tip

You can save a proposal report and use it as a filter later. To do that, after selecting the desired filters on the page for searching and filtering proposals, enter the report name in the Save Report As field under More, and click the arrow button to confirm.

Saving a report on the page for searching and filtering proposalsImage Removed

titleClick here to find out how to use a saved report as a filter.
  1. On the top navigation bar, click Proposals, and then click My Saved Proposal Reports on the page that appears. Or, click the menu icon in the upper-left corner, and select RFPs / Proposals > My Saved Proposal Reports. You land on the page with all your saved reports.
    A list of saved proposal reportsImage Removed
  2. Click the desired report to apply the filters it contains. You get to the Search and Filter page where you can adjust the filtering criteria as described above.

Navigating to a Proposal from an RFP, Work Order, or Invoice

You can access a proposal from an associated RFP or work order. If the latter has been invoiced, you may navigate to a proposal from the corresponding invoice.

  • Find the desired RFP on the RFPs List.
  • Click Go next to the proposal number and amount.
    Navigating to a proposal from an RFPImage Removed

    titleClick here to expand instructions on how to navigate to a proposal from an RFP, work order, or invoice.
    title⦿ How to Navigate to a Proposal from an RFP

    To go to the proposal detailed view, click the proposal number.

    title⦿ How to Navigate to a Proposal from a Work Order
  • On the Work Orders List, locate the desired work order.
  • Navigate to the proposal from the work order list view or detailed view.
    titleList view:

    Hover over the proposal number, and click the proposal link in the tooltip that appears.

    Navigating to a proposal from the Work Orders ListImage Removed

    titleDetailed view:

    Click the proposal number either at the top of the screen or on the Proposals tab.

    Navigating to a proposal from a work order details pageImage Removed

    Image Added

    Before taking action on proposals, you may have to find the proposals you need. You can search for proposals using the search fields available in the Search panel located to the left of the Proposal List. Alternatively, you can search for a proposal from the Search panel on the ServiceChannel Home page,

    Searching for a Proposal from the List View

    In the Search panel, you can find the required Proposal using the following:

    • Proposal number.

    • Work order number linked to the Proposal.

    • Purchase order number.

    • Project ID.

    Image Added

    Navigate to a Proposal from an Invoice
    1. Find the required invoice on the Invoices List.
    2. Click the proposal number in the lower-left corner of the invoice details.
      Navigating to a proposal from an invoiceImage Removed
    title⦿ How to

    To go to the proposal detailed view, click the proposal number on the invoice details page.

    You land on the Proposals List displaying the required proposal.

    AnchorViewingProposalsViewingProposalsViewing Proposals

    Once you’ve filtered and found the desired proposals, you can view their details on the Proposals List and take action on them — approve, reject, assign, and more. You may also head to the proposal details page to view the breakdown of costs for the required service.

    Proposal information is available in the following views:

    • List view: Stay on the Proposals List to view and compare multiple proposals, process them, or navigate to associated items, such as RFPs or work orders.
    • Detailed view: Go to the details page of a specific proposal to view a breakdown of costs for the required service. Note that you cannot take action on a proposal from the detailed view page.
    AnchorProposalListViewProposalListViewProposal List View

    Refer to the table below to find out what proposal details are available on the Proposals List.


    The presented information may differ depending on your system configuration and the action taken on the proposal.

    Proposal list viewImage Removed

    ColumnProposal Details1
    • Location ID and address
    • Trade the proposal is associated with
    • Provider who submitted the proposal
    • Proposal number and amount

    To navigate to the proposal details, click View Proposal.

    • Date and time when the proposal was submitted
    • Associated RFP, project ID, work order number,  purchase order number, and work order status — if available

    Proposal status


    Proposal statuses and their color codes are shown in the upper-right corner of the Proposals List.

    Proposal statuses shown in the upper-right corner of the Proposals ListImage Removed

  • Date and time when the most recent action was taken on the proposal and the user who took that action — not available for proposals in the Open status
  • Info

    Proposal approval reason is displayed in this column if the feature that prompts users to select an approval reason when they approve a proposal is enabled for your company. If you want this feature to be turned on, get in touch with your ServiceChannel representative.


    To view the proposal history, click History.

    • Proposal description
    • Email address the proposal was submitted to
    • Work order priority and problem description — if the proposal has a linked work order
    • User the proposal is assigned to — if the proposal was assigned to a specific employee
    • User level in the MLP hierarchy — if the MLP configuration is set up
    • Rejection reason code and description — for rejected proposals

    If the feature that prompts users to select a reason for assignment when they assign a proposal is enabled for your company, the reason is displayed in this column. Contact ServiceChannel to have this feature turned on.

    • Files attached to the proposal
    • Label assigned to the associated work order

    Use the Actions button to take action on the proposal: edit, change its status, or assign.

    AnchorProposalDetailedViewProposalDetailedViewProposal Detailed View

    The information available in the proposal detailed view includes the following:

  • Proposal info: creation date, proposal number and description, provider who submitted the proposal or was assigned to it, linked RFP and work order along with the problem description (if available)
  • Breakdown of costs: costs incurred to date, materials, installation labor, non-installation expenses, freight, and tax
  • Files attached to the proposal
  • Subtotal for each category and total project cost
  • /wiki/spaces/UJNK/pages/571540030 recommendation
    titleClick here for an image depicting the proposal detailed view.

    Proposal detailed viewImage Removed

    Get to the Proposal Detailed View
    Search for Proposals
    1. On the Proposals List page, click Search to activate the Search panel.

    2. Enter the required number in corresponding search field.

    3. Click Enter. The Proposal List will be refreshed with new information.

    Image Added

    Searching for a Proposal from the ALP

    Alternatively, you can search for a proposal from the Search panel on the ServiceChannel Home page.

    title⦿ How to
    1. Find the required proposal on the Proposals List.
    2. Click View Proposal under the proposal number and amount.
      Navigating to the proposal detailed view from the Proposals ListImage Removed
    You get to the proposal detailed view page.
    Search for a Proposal from the ALP
    1. In the Search menu, select by Proposal #.
    2. Enter the Proposal number in the search field.
    3. Click SEARCH

    Image Added

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