Discovery helps you search for provider partners by trade and/or location as well as discover providers based on ServiceChannel data-driven recommendations.
Sections of the Discovery page
The Discovery page includes:
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Trade/Provider Search Field: Look for providers by company name or trade they work in. Location Search Field: When Location Services are turned on in your browser, this field uses your current location. Otherwise, use this field to enter your location or the location where you are looking for service.
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When you first navigate to Provider Search, you may be asked to grant access to your location in your browser. After you do this, the location field on the Discovery page will default to your current location. |
Discovery Recommendations: This area lists providers that best fit your needs based on either our recommendations or your search criteria.The first two recommendations are curated by ServiceChannel — these are providers who are considered the best at a national level, based on deep data-driven analysis. Though they may not correlate directly with your business, you might decide to keep them top of mind for future projects. Clicking any of these recommendations will take you to a list of providers to discover.The third recommendation is specifically catered to your needs — every time you have a trade with less than three assigned providers at a location, ServiceChannel suggests providers in this Discovery area to help you expand your coverage. Clicking this recommendation will take you to a list of providers to discover for that location’s coverage area.When you want to find a provider for specific trades in needed regions, start the provider search process by entering the desired trade and the required search area in the Search fields. For example, the Plumbing trade in New York Mills, Minnesota, United States.
Should you need to find an exact company to perform facility services, you can start typing the provider’s company name in the first Search field.
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You can use Provider Search in multiple ways to ensure your target goal of finding the right providers has been reached.
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title | Expand the section to learn more about other ways of provider search depending on your goals. |
Goal | Best Way to Start |
There is no provider to replace with Network Opportunities and I want to explore high-performing providers for future projects. | Use thefirst two the best providers in their industry. Image Added
| to ensure all my locations have providers for repair and maintenance services. | Use the third ithfewer than 3 providers assigned. Image Added
You can also use the cards below the tion.
Image Added | I want to know if I need to replace any of my In-Network providers with better-performing ones for potential cost savings. | Identify underperforming providers from your Private Network and see how you can improve your Network withbetter-performing providers. Image Added
Info |
You may see the Discovery cards and Coverage Map instead of Network Opportunities. It may happen because of the following reasons: - Your user has Power User or/and Provider Assignment Editor secondary roles to be able to view Network Opportunities.
- Your current providers do not meet the requirements for provider analysis.
- There are no opportunity providers yet to replace old providers. Check if there are opportunities next month.
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| SearchInProviderSearch |
| SearchInProviderSearch |
Searching for Providers
in Provider SearchYou can search for providers either by trade and location or by their business name.
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title | ⦿ How to Search for Providers in Provider Search |
- In the Trade/Provider search field:
- (searching Searching by tradeTrade) Enter a trade name.
- (searching Searching by provider nameProvider Name) Enter the business name of the Providerprovider.
Info | When you’re (Searching by keyword) When you are uncertain of the correct exact trade name or Provider Business provider business name, start entering its first letters to view suggestions. Select the desired option from the list.
- In the Location search field, enter either a city/state or zip/postal code, and then click the magnifying glass icon 🔍.
- (When searching by tradeTrade/locationLocation) TheDiscovery Search Search Results page opens.
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(When searching by Provider Name) The profile page in Provider Search appears.
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Once you have completed the search fields, you can filter providers by criteria to narrow your search results and compare providers’ relevance, performance, and KPIs to make the best choice. Image Added