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You may add users to Service Automation and provide permissions from the the Users page page. The number of users you may add is unlimited.

Page for managing users and their permissionsImage Added

Use either of the following two ways to set up new users, depending on the scope of work:

Image Added

Adding Users One by One

While adding a new user, you can set can set the desired password management option and add a notification email for receiving work order notes, invoice escalation alerts , and as well as proposal and work order assignment notifications.

Once you add a user, you can:

  • Customize permissions for access
  • Assign roles within Service Automation
  • Assign to locations
  • Review mobile access information for users authorized for the ServiceChannel Mobile App
  • Assign Dashboards

Password Self-Management

The Password Self-Management feature lets you allow users to reset their own passwords securely through their emails. You may enable this feature by contacting ServiceChannel.

Once the feature is enabled, you may easily turn the feature on for individual users in your company by checking the box next to Password Self Management in the General Info tab.

SA-PwdSelfMgmt.pngImage Removed

In other instances where multiple users, such as location users, may share a single account, you can add and manage passwords for those accounts by disabling the Password Self-Management option. While users associated with such an account cannot reset the account password, they can contact an Admin user and retrieve the password.

title⦿ How to Add a Single User
  1. Navigate to more > From the hamburger menu, select Admin > Permissions > Users. The list of users appears. 
  2. Click Add New User. The Add User(s), and select Add a Single User
    Image Added
    You land on the General Info tab for of the new user appearspage.
    Add New UserImage RemovedEnter the Image Added
  3. Provide a login name for the user in the User Id field.

  4. (Optional) Enter the name of the user in the User Name field.

  5. (Optional)


    In the Notifications Email field, specify the email to which all notifications will be sent.

  6. Choose the desired password settings by either enabling or disabling the password selfPassword Self-management Management option:Image Added
    1. To enable password self-management:
          1. Select the Password Self-Management
          1. checkbox. The Password
          1. Email field is enabled, and the Password and Confirm Password fields are disabled.
          2. Enter the Password Email.
        1. To disable password self-management:
              1. Clear the Password Self-Management
              1. checkbox.
              2. Enter the Password.
              1. Re-enter the password in the Confirm Password field.


                The password should be in line with the password complexity requirements displayed in the blue bar at the top of the page.

              1. See Configuring Password Complexity

              1. for more information

            .)Re-enter the password in the Confirm Password box
              1. .

          1. Click Save. Additional tabs display and checkboxes appear on the page , where you can continue to customize permissions, locationlocations, limits, notifications, and other options for the new user.Additional Tabs for New UserImage Removed

      Permissions Tab

      The Permissions tab allows you to select which Permissions within Service Automation a user has, the Trades to which (s)he is assigned, as well as his/her Role. You can limit the user to only the activities that are required in the system. For example, you may have some users that require read-only access to Invoices, Proposals and Reports for the Cleaning Trade for informational purposes.  While another user might have permissions for full control over Invoices and Proposals for all Trades. You are free to customize permissions/trades per user as your organization requires.  


      You must have Super Admin permissions to have access to the Permissions tab.


      The table below shows the available permissions you can set for users:


      Permissions Available


      Full Control, Read All, Create, Process, Read Appr. & Paid


      Full Control, Read All, Create, Process


      Read & Edit, Read





      Service Providers

      Full Control, Read & Edit, Read, Request For

      Track WO/PO

      Read & Edit, Read

      Private Network Access



      The Place Service Request permission is for older configurations that do not use the Service Automation Dashboard.

      Permissions TabImage Removed

      To assign all permissions to the user, check the All Permissions box. Otherwise, select the appropriate permission(s) for the user from the list. Hold down the Shift or Ctrl key to select multiple options. Please see User Permission Definitions for a listing of all available permissions.


      Trades may be set up the same way as Permissions. The trades that are listed here are configured on the Trades/NTEs page. To assign a user to all trades, check the All Trades box. Otherwise, select the appropriate trade(s) for the user from the list. Hold down the Shift or Ctrl key to select multiple options. 

      AnchoruserrolesuserrolesUser Roles

      There are a number of Role options that you can configure for the user:

    2. Dashboard admin: Users that have access to Dashboard administrative functions. They are able to convert issue list, edit the message of the day and edit dashboard settings. This should be limited to a few users in your organization
    3. Power user: Users that have permission to edit completed work orders, assign service providers to locations and trades, reopen proposals and edit GL codes after approval. This role is required to provide access to the Preventative Maintenance (PM) module. This role does not have access to the Admin module.
    4. Power user lite: Users that are able to edit completed proposals, edit completed but not invoiced work orders. This role can only view the Preventative Maintenance (PM) module without editing ability. This role does not have access to the Admin module.


      Power user lite is helpful if you want to allocate control over big decisions only to power users, while still allows other users to monitor and take actions on work orders and proposals.

    5. Admin user: Users that have access to the Admin module which allows them to create and modify locations, specify default NTE amounts and manage location note headers, categories and statuses.
    6. Super Admin: User that, in addition to Admin user privileges, have permission to add, disable and modify permissions of other users.
    7. Site Audit Setup: Users that have permission to administer audit types and setup definitions in the Site Audit section of the Admin module.
    8. Site Audit Auditor: Users that are allowed to perform site audits.
    9. Site Audit Reporter:  Users that are allowed to view Site Audit reports.
    10. Inventory Manager: Users that have permission to view, add and transfer inventory between locations. 
    11. The sample user in the screenshot above has been granted All Permissions, access to All Trades and has been given the Power user Role.  In additions to all of the permissions she has been assigned, she can also edit completed work orders, and other activities assigned by the Power user role.  

      You can always return to edit the user’s account to add or remove any Permissions, Trades or Roles at a later time.

      Location/District/Region Access Tab

      The Location/District/Region Access tab allows you to assign the user access based on Location, District or Region. The Locations, Districts and Regions listed here are set up in the Locations module in Service Automation. 

      • When assigning a user to a Region, the user will be assigned to all Districts in that Region and all Locations within that District.
      • When assigning a user to a District, the user will be assigned to all Locations in that District; Regions will be ignored.
      • When assigning a user to a Location, the user will only have access to the location(s); District and Regions will be ignored.

      Therefore, the recommendation is to assign access based on one of these columns, not all three. This is useful in case locations are realigned, the user’s access is not disrupted. Alternatively, you can give the user access to All Locations, All Districts and All Regions checking the box at the top of each respective column. 

      Image Removed

      Access Based on Location Notes Tab

      The Access Based on Location Notes tab allows you to assign user access based on data in searchable Location Note Headers[ Link to Location Note Headers] that you set up in Admin > Location Note Headers. If you set the property of the location note header to be Exact or Contains, the header will appear on this tab. New searchable location note headers are refreshed every night (they will not appear on this tab immediately). This is useful if for instance, you want to provide a user access to work orders for a specific District Manager or a selection of Regional Managers.

      Managers Location NotesImage Removed

      In the example below, there are three searchable Location Note Headers (Facility Manager, Region Manager and District Manager). These three Location Note Headers are available for specifying user access as shown in the following screenshot. 

      Landloard Location NoteImage Removed

      The screenshot below shows that the new header displays as an additional option for assigning user access on the Access Based on Location Notes tab.

      Landlord AccessImage Removed

      Limits Tab

      The Limits tab allows you to set authorization and approval limits for each user. Typically, these limits are consistent with the user’s limits in your accounting system. While the NTE, Proposal and Invoice limits are commonly the same, they may vary to prevent a user from approving a work order, proposal or invoice that is above his or her limit. 

      Here you can set the default currency for the user’s limits (e.g., USD, CAD, EUR) and the financial limit for each option. The currency for each defaults to USD. 

      • NTE: If a user has permission to edit a work order and attempts to change the NTE amount to be greater than the limit you set here, an error will appear and the user will not be able to proceed until the NTE is adjusted accordingly.
      • Proposal: If a user has permission to approve a proposals, he may not approve a proposal above the limit you set here. However he she may change the status to On Hold or “Rejected. 
      • Invoice:  If a user has permission to view invoices, he may view an invoice that is above his limit. However he may not change the status at all (to Approved, On Hold or Rejected).
      Limits TabImage Removed

      Important Notes about Working with Limits:

      • If a user is redirected to the dashboard, the NTE in the dashboard template (for the problem code) will be used, regardless of the user’s limit. However, if a user attempts to edit an NTE in the dashboard that is above his/her limit, they will not be able to proceed.
      • If a user is part of a multi-level invoice hierarchy, the MLI setup (limits) override the limits in the Admin module. MLI setup is done through your Account Executive.
      • User limits default to 0.00. This means a user cannot modify the NTE of work orders, approve invoices, and/or approve proposals.
      • Limits should be set for Dashboard users even if they have no access to edit/approve.

      Mobile Tab

      The Mobile tab allows you to view the user’s registered devices if they have been provided Mobile Access and have activated the ServiceChannel on their account.  Mobile TabImage Removed

      Once you have the new user set up with the proper permissions and locations and have saved all of your changes. You can return to the list of users and select the Dashboard(s) for the new user, if required.

      Image Added

      Once you add a user, you can do the following:

      Adding Multiple Users in Bulk

      To set up multiple users, we recommend that you use the template to upload all the required information on new employees in one go.

      Image Added


      Before you get down to completing the below steps, ensure you have uploaded primary roles. Without primary roles in place, no new users can be created via the Bulk User Template.

      title⦿ How to Add Users in Bulk
      1. From the hamburger menu, select Admin > Permissions > Users. The list of users appears.
      2. Click Add User(s), and select Add Bulk Users.
      3. Download the Bulk User Template.Image Added
      4. Fill out the MS Excel template. Refer to the tips on the Add Bulk Users page.

        titleExpand this section to read information on the template.

        Image Added


        There are two types of the Bulk User Template based on whether or not your organization uses the Password Self-Management feature.

        • When the feature is turned on and the Password Self-Management column is set to Yes for a user, the Password column should be left blank.
        • When the feature is turned off, the Password field should be filled out.


        Hover over a column name to view a hint on how the column should be filled out.

        Image Added


        The password should be in line with the password complexity requirements displayed in the blue bar at the top of the page. See Configuring Password Complexity for more information.


        The Role Title column should be filled out with one of the primary roles. If you do not have primary roles uploaded into your system yet, you will not be able to proceed with creating users in bulk. Learn how you can create primary roles.

        Image Added

      5. Once you have completed the template, save it as a tab-delimited text file.Image Added


        When non-Latin characters are used in the file, please save it as a Unicode text file.

      6. Click Upload Template.Image Added
      7. Click Browse a File, and then open the saved template from your device.Image Added


        To remove the file that was added in error, click the red cross next to the file name, and then re-upload the required file.

      8. Click Submit in the lower-right corner to start file processing.
        Image Added
        1. A green checkmark will appear next to the uploaded file once the latter is processed with no errors found.Image Added
        2. When errors are detected, you will be prompted to download the results file to fix the errors and re-upload the corrected file.


          Even a single error in the uploaded template will lead to the whole upload process failure, meaning that no new users will be created.

      Password Self-Management

      The Password Self-Management feature lets you allow users to reset their own passwords securely through their emails. You may enable this feature by contacting ServiceChannel.

      Once the feature is enabled, you may easily turn the feature on for individual users in your company by checking the box next to Password Self Management in the General Info tab.

      Enabling the Password Self Management checkbox on the user details pageImage Added

      In other instances where multiple users, such as location users, may share a single account, you can add and manage passwords for those accounts by disabling the Password Self-Management option. While users associated with such an account cannot reset the account password, they can contact an Admin user and retrieve the password.


      If a newly added user has the Password Self Management option enabled, but they haven’t created their password yet, you can resend a welcome email to them. To do this, click Resend Welcome Email on the General Info tab of the user details page. The welcome email contains a link to create a password that is valid within 14 days. Once the user submits their password, the Resend Welcome Email button disappears from the page.

      Clicking the Resend Welcome Email button on the General Info tab of the user details pageImage Added

      Email Notifications

      Administrators have the ability to select from a list which notification email an individual receives. By managing which notification emails are assigned in Service Automation, administrators can greatly reduce the number of notification emails sent to any individual, therefore freeing up their time to address other issues. 

      Navigate to more >
      title⦿ How to Assign a Dashboard to a User
      Select which Notification Emails an Individual Receives
      1. Click the hamburger menu, and then select Admin > Permissions > Users. The list of users appears.
      2. Search for the user you wish to assign a Dashboard.
      3. Click the Dashboard name.
        Dashboard Not AssignedImage Removed
        1. When a user is not assigned to a Dashboard, you will see No Dashboard.
        2. When a user is assigned to a Dashboard, you will see the name of the Dashboard as configured in your system (for example: “Main Dashboard”, “Retail Dashboard”, or “Expert Dashboard”).
      4. Select the required Dashboard from the drop down.
      5. (For "Dashboard Only" or Location/Store users) Select Redirect to Dashboard for those users who should only use the Dashboard to enter work orders. Leave unchecked for user to access Service Automation when logging in.
      6. Click Save. The user’s listing is updated with the selected Dashboard.Assigned DashboardImage Removed


      title⦿ How to Edit a User

      Once a user is in the system, you can make modifications to his or her account at any time. However, you cannot delete a user from the system. If you want to remove access for a user, you must disable the user.

      1. Navigate to more > Admin > Permissions > Users. The list of users appears.
      2. Search for the user you wish to edit. 
      3. Click the Edit Pencil icon next to the in the Action column next for the user. The user’s account will display and you can make your required changes. 
      4. Save your changes if you modify account information in any of the tabs.
      2. Select the user whose notification emails you would like to modify. 
      3. Click the pencil icon next to their name to open the edit module. 
      4. Select the General Info tab. 
      5. Select the email notifications that person is to receive by selecting the checkbox next to each of the notification types.


        Should the user no longer wish to receive these notifications, uncheck the box. 

        Email notification settings for a userImage Added

      6. Click the Save button to complete the process. 

      Notification typeDescription
      Invoice Escalation Alerts

      With multi-level invoice approval, you can enable the following types of MLI email alerts for the person

        • An email reminder about the invoices that are waiting to be approved or reviewed 
        • An email alert about the invoice being auto-escalated to the next level within the following 24 hours if the user doesn’t take action 
        • An email warning about invoices that do not have the next MLI level to escalate 
        • An email warning about invoices that do not have the assigned users to escalate 

      Learn more about multi-level invoice approval. 

      Proposal Assignment NotificationsWhen a proposal is assigned to this person, theywill receive an email notification. 
      Work Order Assignment NotificationsAfter a work order is assigned to this person, they will get an email notification about the WO assignment.
      Work Order NotesWhen the checkbox is selected for a person, and the email is specified, this person can be manually picked as the recipient of the WO note email alert when someone adds a new note to a work order.
      Proposal MLP NotificationsApprovers in the multi-level proposal (MLP) approval hierarchy will be notified when proposals are automatically escalated to their MLPlevel, and they will need to take action on the proposal.Learn more about multi-level proposal approval. 

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