Before taking action on proposals, you need to filter them and find the ones you need. Once you land on the Proposals List, you can view and compare the details of the desired proposals and then process them.
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SearchingAndFilteringProposals | SearchingAndFilteringProposals | Searching and Filtering ProposalsYou may filter proposals by their status, submission date, assigned user, and other criteriaThe Proposals List View allows you to view and manage proposals submitted by your providers in one easy view. Here, you can review the costs for various scopes of work — and with the Decision Engine intelligence agent, you have deeper data at your fingertips to help you make the right decisions while approving costs.
In this view you can:
- view proposals submitted by your providers;
- manage, approve and reject proposals;
- using Decision Engine intelligence recommendations to help you decide on the action to take on proposals;
- filter and search for proposals, as well as save filters for easy use; and
- download proposals reports.
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bgColor | #F9F9F9 |
titleColor | #0e3367 |
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title | ⦿ How to Find and Filter Access the Proposals |
| On the top navigation bar |
- In Service Automation, click Proposals
, and then click View/Process Proposals page that appears. Or, click the menu icon in the upper-left corner, and select RFPs / Proposals > View/Process Proposals.Apply filters to retrieve the proposals you need.
Expand |
title | Click here to expand the filtering criteria. |
- User the proposal is assigned to. If the MLP configuration is set up for your company, you can select the View All for This Level checkbox to get the proposals of employees who are on the same level as the picked person.
- Proposal number.
- Work order or purchase order linked to the proposal.
- Associated project (if this feature is enabled).
- Priority, category, and label of the attached work order. You may choose to include the MLP suggested category by selecting the corresponding checkbox.
- Proposal status, submission date, and trade.
- Location the proposal was created for.
- Provider who submitted the proposal.
Info |
Additional filters may be available depending on your system configuration. |
(Optional) In the dropdown under Sort By, pick the sorting option to apply.(Optional) Select the corresponding checkboxes under the dropdown if you want to retrieve only proposals with attachments or exclude proposals linked to a work order.(Optional) Under Report Type, choose how you want to view the report: on a web page, as a printable report, or as an MS Excel file.When ready, click Find Proposals.
Info |
The maximum number of proposals you can view on the Proposals List is 100. Should you receive an error, go back to the Search and Filter page, and modify your search criteria. |
You land on the Proposals List displaying proposals based on the filters you applied.
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Tip |
You can save a proposal report and use it as a filter later. To do that, after selecting the desired filters on the page for searching and filtering proposals, enter the report name in the Save Report As field under More, and click the arrow button to confirm.
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Expand |
title | Click here to find out how to use a saved report as a filter. |
- On the top navigation bar, click Proposals, and then click My Saved Proposal Reports on the page that appears. Or, click the menu icon in the upper-left corner, and select RFPs / Proposals > My Saved Proposal Reports. You land on the page with all your saved reports.
Image Removed - Click the desired report to apply the filters it contains. You get to the Search and Filter page where you can adjust the filtering criteria as described above.
Navigating to a Proposal from an RFP, Work Order, or Invoice
You can access a proposal from an associated RFP or work order. If the latter has been invoiced, you may navigate to a proposal from the corresponding invoice.
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Expand |
title | Click here to expand instructions on how to navigate to a proposal from an RFP, work order, or invoice. |
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bgColor | #F9F9F9 |
titleColor | #0e3367 |
titleBGColor | #EAEAEA |
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title | ⦿ How to Navigate to a Proposal from an RFP |
Find the desired RFP on the RFPs List.Click Go next to the proposal number and amount.
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bgColor | #F9F9F9 |
titleColor | #0e3367 |
titleBGColor | #EAEAEA |
borderStyle | none |
title | ⦿ How to Navigate to a Proposal from a Work Order |
On the Work Orders List, locate the desired work order.Navigate to the proposal from the work order list view or detailed view. Expand |
Hover over the proposal number, and click the proposal link in the tooltip that appears. Image Removed
Expand |
Click the proposal number either at the top of the screen or on the Proposals tab. Image Removed
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bgColor | #F9F9F9 |
titleColor | #0e3367 |
titleBGColor | #EAEAEA |
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title | ⦿ How to Navigate to a Proposal from an Invoice |
- Find the required invoice on the Invoices List.
- Click the proposal number in the lower-left corner of the invoice details.
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You land on the Proposals List displaying the required proposal.
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ViewingProposals | ViewingProposals | Viewing ProposalsOnce you’ve filtered and found the desired proposals, you can view their details on the Proposals List and take action on them — approve, reject, assign, and more. You may also head to the proposal details page to view the breakdown of costs for the required service.- top navigation bar.
The Proposals List View appears.
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Sections of the Proposal List View
The Proposals List View has four sections:
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- Status Tabs: Quickly view proposals that are in each status. By default, the statuses with the asterisk (*) appear, however, you can change this by using the Proposal Status filter.
- Filters and Search: From here you can filter proposals based on desired criteria, or search for proposals. Filter selections can be saved and retrieved later.
- Proposals List: The list of proposals matching the applied filters displays here. You can view details and take actions on proposals.
- Additional Views / Download / Sorting:
- Additional Views: Enables to set number of proposals displayed on the page.
- Download: Download Excel and PDF reports.
- Sort: Allows you to sort the list of proposals by Date, Proposal Number, Trade, Location ID, Provider, and Status.
Details of a Proposal in the List View
Proposal information is available in the following views:
- List view: Stay on the Proposals List to view and compare multiple proposals, process them, or navigate to associated items, such as RFPs or work orders.
- Detailed view: Go Click the View Proposal button to go to the details page of a specific proposal. That enables you to view a breakdown of costs for the required service. Note that you cannot take action on a proposal from the detailed view page.
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ProposalListView | ProposalListView | Proposal List View Info |
The maximum number of proposals you can view on the Proposals List is 100. |
Refer to the table below to find out what proposal details are available on the Proposals List.
Info |
The presented information may differ depending on your system configuration and the action taken on
the a particular proposal.
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Column | Proposal Details |
1Section # | Proposal information |
1 | Proposal status. Proposal statuses and their color codes are also displayed on the tabs at the top of the Proposals page. Image Added
2 | the proposal is associated withProvider who submitted the proposal | 2 | - Proposal number and amount
3- Action date (when available)
- User the proposal is assigned to (if the proposal was assigned to a specific employee)
- User’s level in the MLP hierarchy (if the MLP configuration is set up)
- Rejection reason code and description (for rejected proposals)
- Purchase order number (when applicable)
3 | - Provider submitted the proposal
- Work order schedule date (when available)
- Level of approval
- Work order number (when the proposal has a linked work order)
4 |
- Date and time when the proposal was submitted
Associated RFP, project ID, work order number, purchase order number, and work order status — if available | 4 | Proposal status
Info |
Proposal statuses and their color codes are shown in the upper-right corner of the Proposals List. Image Removed
- Date and time when the most recent action was taken on the proposal and the user who took that action — not available for proposals in the Open statusName of the person who created the proposal
- Name of the person who last updated the proposal
Proposal amount Note |
Should you need to change the decimal point (.) to decimal comma (,) on monetary amounts, contact your ServiceChannel representative. |
- Project ID associated with the proposals (when applicable)
- Status of the work order linked to that proposal (when available)
Info |
Proposal approval reason is displayed in this column section if the feature that prompts users to select an approval reason when they approve a proposal is enabled for your company. If you want this feature to be turned on, get in touch with your ServiceChannel representative. |
Tip |
To view the proposal history, click History. |
5 | - Proposal description
- Email address the proposal was submitted to
- Work order priority and problem description — and work order description (if the proposal has a is linked work order
- User the proposal is assigned to — if the proposal was assigned to a specific employee
- User level in the MLP hierarchy — if the MLP configuration is set up
- Rejection reason code and description — for rejected proposalsto the work order)
Info |
If the feature that prompts users to select a reason for assignment when they assign a proposal is enabled for your company, the reason is displayed in this columnsection. Contact ServiceChannel to have this feature turned on. |
6 | - Files attached to the proposal
| 7 | - Label and a label assigned to the associated work order
| 8 |
Anchor |
ProposalDetailedView | ProposalDetailedView | Proposal Detailed ViewThe information available in the proposal detailed view includes the following:
Proposal info: creation date, proposal number and description, provider who submitted the proposal or was assigned to it, linked RFP and work order along with the problem description (if available)Breakdown of costs: costs incurred to date, materials, installation labor, non-installation expenses, freight, and taxFiles attached to the proposalSubtotal for each category and total project cost/wiki/spaces/UJNK/pages/571540030 recommendation Expand |
title | Click here for an image depicting the proposal detailed view. |
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Panel |
bgColor | #F9F9F9 |
titleColor | #0e3367 |
titleBGColor | #EAEAEA |
borderStyle | none |
title | ⦿ How to Get to the Proposal Detailed View |
- Find the required proposal on the Proposals List.
- Click View Proposal under the proposal number and amount.
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You get to the proposal detailed view page.- (if available)
- Proposal approval reason is displayed in this column if the feature that prompts users to select an approval reason is enabled.
- To enable this feature, contact your ServiceChannel representative.
- Rejection reason code and description — for rejected proposals
7 | - The Supporting intelligence link enabling you to view the Decision Engine recommendation.
8 | This section contains the buttons enabling you to perform the following actions on the proposal: