Aug 7, 2024 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Aug 7, 2024 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Features and improvements

Core modules

Work Orders. From now on, you’ll be prompted to add a note while resolving the WO note in the Action Required status. Click Resolve & Add Note, and you’ll be redirected to the Add Note overlay. You can add a note or simply close the pop-up. The note status will be updated to Action Resolved. 📞Contact your Customer Success Manager to enable the feature.

Add-on modules

No features and improvements for add-on modules.

Bug fixes

Core modules

Dashboard. During the WO creation, location attachments were not automatically added to a service request for the issue list combo that includes attachments. The issue happened because adding location attachments on a WO was accidentally dependent on the Enable location attachments setting on the Request tab of the dashboard settings. We've removed that inaccurate dependency.

Dashboard. When you created a service request, if an asset was under warranty, the NTE wasn't updated based on your configured warranty overrides. We've fixed this issue.

Provider Directory. In the User Management section of Provider Automation, providers could create a new user with non-unique data. We have eliminated this capability. Now, if the data is not unique, providers won't be able to create a new user.

Add-on modules

Enhanced Inventory Manager. Previously, you couldn't enter the decimal separators in the Quantity Received and Quantity Lost fields on the Receiving page. We've tackled the issue.