SC Mobile 2307.2 iOS RNs
Features and improvements

No features and improvements for this version.
Bug fixes

Invoices. You couldn’t approve an invoice if you entered less than 3 symbols in the Comment field. The Submit button was grayed out. Now, you can enter 2 and more characters to proceed.
Work Orders. Occasionally, when you tried to add a note on the Add Note screen, the keyboard didn't hide after you've entered the text in the input field, and you couldn't go on. We've added the Done button in the top corner of the keyboard. When you enter desired information, select Done to hide the keyboard and continue with the creating note process.
Work Orders. The Last Note section on the work order details screen displayed the first note instead of the last one. We’ve fixed it.
Work Orders. When you logged into the SC Mobile app through the SSO ID, notes on a work order wasn’t visible. Now you can see notes on a work order in this scenario.
This version was released on Aug 1, 2023.