SC Mobile 1906.1 iOS RNs

SC Mobile 1906.1 iOS RNs

Features and improvements

No features and improvements for this version.


Bug fixes

Assets. After you created an asset, its installation date was one day more than the date you had set.

Assets. When you searched for a location and selected the one you needed on the Assets screen, the keyboard remained expanded instead of being collapsed.

Locations. When you returned to the locations list after searching for a location, sometimes you saw totally unreadable locations info.

Proposals. The proposals list showed incorrect results when you entered the same value for the minimum and maximum proposal amount.

Site Access. You couldn’t scan a tech’s badge even when it was required because an error message popped up.

Work Orders. The app no longer gets frozen when you tap the back arrow on the Add Note screen while creating a WO.

Work Orders. When you scrolled through a long list of activities on the Check In/Out tab, the Today button disappeared, so you couldn’t get back to recent activities in one tap.

This version was released on 17/Jun/19.