SC Mobile 1901.1 iOS RNs
Features and improvements

Assets. Want a tag ID to be the same as an asset tag? Just select the Use Asset Tag as Tag ID? checkbox when creating a new asset.
Work Orders. We’ve updated the hints on star rating a WO. They are more informative now.
Bug fixes

Assets. If you need to create a new asset after scanning an asset tag, you no longer have to rescan the tag. The app will associate the asset tag with the asset that you are creating.
Assets. The Not Associated checkbox on the assets list worked incorrectly on some devices, so you were unable to select it on the first try.
Assets. When you filtered assets by type, tapping None in the asset types list made that filter work incorrectly.
Assets. When you searched for not associated assets by type, the page went blank and displayed no results.
Audits. Editing an image attached to a current audit would sometimes be a reason for a crash. We’ve done away with this issue.
Audits. When you added a quantity or dollar amount for a checklist item, the hint for the dollar text field was incorrect.
General. Some of you could not access the app after logging in, and even changing an account did not work. Sorry for this confusing experience.
Site Access. The Access Granted tab displayed one open WO for temporary passes that had no associated WOs at all.
Work Orders. On the WO details screen, you couldn't view the last note when it was lengthy.
This version was released on 14/Jan/19.