SC Mobile 1904.1 iOS RNs

SC Mobile 1904.1 iOS RNs

Features and improvements

Reviews. Now you may be asked to leave a review for a work order in any status — based on the admin settings.


Bug fixes

Assets. Sometimes you were unable to save an asset tag after scanning a QR code.

Assets. When you’re creating a new asset, the Create Asset button becomes available only after you enter the asset tag ID or scan the QR or NFC code.

General. Searching for work orders by entering only the first part of a PO or WO number no longer causes the app to crash.

Proposals. Changing the scheduled date when approving a proposal doesn’t result in a crash anymore.

Proposals. When you accessed the WO details from the proposals list, the link to the related proposal was missing.

Proposals. Previously, when you filtered proposals by provider and unchecked some providers, their proposals were still on the list. Now the filter works properly.

Proposals. When you tried to create a work order while approving a standalone proposal, the button for confirming the WO creation was active even though not all fields were filled out.

Work Orders. If you found a duplicate while creating a WO and attached files to this duplicate WO, no attachments showed up on the Notes tab.

This version was released on 10/Apr/2019.