SC Provider 2211.2 Android RNs

SC Provider 2211.2 Android RNs

Features and improvements

No features and improvements for this version.


Bug fixes

Assets. After you tried to view an asset on a work order, a system error appeared, and there was no way to move on. Now the app redirects you to the Asset Record screen without error messages.

CIWO. When the technician created a service request via the Contractor-Initiated Work Order (CIWO) experience while on-site, the work order was created in the In Progress / Validation Required status instead of the Completed / Pending Confirmation status. It won't bother technicians anymore.

Work Orders. When you tried to attach a very big size image to a work order, the app crashed. Crashes are no fun, so the issue has been fixed.

This version was released on Nov 18, 2022.