Planned Maintenance work orders that have multiple assets associated with them will have a link in the work order list view. By tapping the link, you can view assets you were requested to service.
Your ability to work order with multiple assets on a single service request as well as the ability to add parts to multiple assets on a single PM work order depend on your client's preferences. When the Multiple Assets feature is turned on for your client, you will be able to capture part usages against multiple assets.
⦿ How to Capture Parts Usages for Multiple Assets
On the list of assets attached to a PM work order, tap the asset for which you need to add part usage information.
Tap Add Part.
Select the source location. In the example below, we select the Other Inventory Location option.
Specify the part that you have used. If the required part is not on the list, tap Add Part Manually.
Specify the part quantity you have used, the date when you used it, and the use reason.
Tap Save. The part usage has been captured for the asset.
To add more parts to the same asset, repeat steps 2–6.
Tap Done. You get back to the assets screen and can add parts to other assets linked to that work order. For this purpose, repeat steps 1–7.