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Uploading and Downloading the Location Information Template

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Location Information Template

Service Automation provides templates that allow you to upload and download information about Locations, Location Notes, Location telephone numbers, and Provider Assignments. This is useful for when you have a large number of Locations information to manage and need a quick way to upload or manage that information.


Instructions on using these templates are listed in detail in Service Automation, on the bottom of the Locations page.

Instructions to Upload and Download Location Details

Formatting Alert: UTF-8 Format Required
When uploading information in the form of Spreadsheets, Templates, Text Documents and or copied and pasted to Service Automation or Provider Automation, the Content must be UTF-8 formatted. Content that is not UTF-8 formatted may be misread by our system and cause errors in how your data is interpreted.

 Windows Specific

Windows Specific

Open file in Notepad

Choose Save As

There are three items to update in the Save dialog that comes up.

Save as type: change this to All FilesFile

Name: name your file and add the .csv extension to it - e.g.: myupdates.csv

Encoding: click on the dropdown and choose UTF-8


 MAC Specific

Mac Specific

  1. Open file in Number
  2. Hover over Export

  3. In the submenu that appears, choose CSV
  4. Click on Advanced Options to show the Text Encoding dropdown
  5. Select Unicode (UTF-8) from the dropdown menu

  6. Click Next Export!

 Google Sheets Specific

Google Sheets

  1. Click File
  2. Click on or hover over Download As

  3. Choose the option Comma-separated values (.csv, current sheet)

  4. After clicking on that option, your file will be automatically downloaded to your computer

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