SC Mobile 2107.1.2 Android RNs

Features and improvements

No features and improvements for this version.

Bug fixes

Asset Scanning. In the Warranty Coverage section of the asset details screen, some assets you scanned had the Under Warranty status though they weren’t under warranty. For some other assets, the status was correct, but the warranty provider was marked as N/A. We’ve brought order to this chaos: the warranty status is shown as N/A if the asset is out of warranty, and if it is under warranty, the provider’s name is displayed correctly.

General. Some location users couldn’t log in to SC Mobile using the Managed tab — the app crashed. No more crashes! We’ve fixed what was broken, and you can smoothly log in and proceed to your work.

Site Planning. The app refused to upload the completed site audit claiming that not all of the checklists had been completed. You got redirected to the audit which turned out to be blank. This issue affected users of Android 6–8. We apologize for the inconvenience it caused — a completed audit is uploaded without errors now.

This version was released on Jul 29, 2021.