SC Mobile 2103.1 Android RNs

SC Mobile 2103.1 Android RNs

Features and improvements

Work Orders. While creating a new work order, you could see two cross icons ╳ ╳ in the location search field, which was confusing. The first icon was for clearing the search field, and the second one for canceling the WO creation. We erased the latter cross icon. To stop creating a WO, you can tap the Back arrow.

Bug fixes

Proposals. You put a proposal on hold and then couldn’t resume it. The issue is fixed — tap the On Hold button to put a proposal on hold, tap it again to resume the action.

Site Planning. If you were completing a site audit throughout the whole day, you might have faced an issue with uploading the completed audit. When you tried to, an error message appeared but didn’t specify what went wrong. It happened because your session expired and you needed to log out and back in. Now the app clearly states that in the error message.

Work Orders. Although you had permission to update assets on work orders based on the Asset Rules configured in Service Automation, the app was capricious: one time it allowed you to change the asset on a WO, the next time it ignored your permission and didn’t let you update the asset.

Work Orders. Out of several photos that you attached to an existing work order in one go, only some of them appeared under the Notes tab of the WO details screen. The rest of the attached photos didn’t show up. However, refreshing the screen made all the files visible. Now, the files you attach appear on the tab the moment you add them to your WO.

This version was released on Mar 11, 2021.