31/Jul/19 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs
Features and improvements

No features and improvements for this version.
Bug fixes

ALP. The issue with the invoices metrics on the Actionable Landing Page is fixed. What was wrong? You clicked the invoices total amount in the metric, but it didn’t redirect you to the list of associated invoices.
General. In the Locations & Provider Assignments section, you couldn’t open location attachments with a number sign # in their names. Special characters don’t disrupt your work anymore.
General. In the Provider Automation console, clicking the View buttons under the My Fixxbook section no longer leads you to a wrong page.
SC Provider. Remember that you cannot check into several work orders at once. Should you try to do it, you now get a more meaningful error message, saying what’s wrong and what you need to do next.
Work Orders. Sometimes, when providers updated the scheduled date, the WO status changed to “Completed/Pending Confirmation”, which wasn’t supposed to happen.