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Updating Asset Attributes and Creating New Assets in SC Provider

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Updating Asset Attributes in SC Provider

When you come onsite to service a faulty asset and you see that asset information captured by your client is not up to date or something critical is missing, you can make the required changes to asset data from SC Provider.

Your client should authorize updates to asset attributes. Otherwise, asset data cannot be edited on work orders.

⦿ How to Update Asset Attributes in SC Provider
  1. Locate the work order with the asset you were requested to service.
  2. Tap View Asset on the work order.Work order with an asset linked
  3. Tap the required asset on the Work Order Asset screen that opens.Viewing the asset linked to the work order

    When you are requested to perform maintenance work, there might be several assets associated with the same work order.

  4. On the Asset Record screen, tap the arrow to the right of the asset attributes that you find outdated or missing. For example, the asset condition should be changed from Excellent to Average.

    Asset attributes that you are allowed to update will have an arrow to the right.

    Editable asset attributes will have an arrow

    Asset Record screen where you can update asset attributes

    List of asset condition options

The updates to asset attributes are saved automatically.

Removing assets from work orders

Having the permission to change assets on work orders, you can also remove the asset from the work order. Scroll down to the very bottom of the Asset Record screen, and tap the Remove Asset from Work Order button.

The permission should be granted by clients in Asset Rules.

You can also remove an asset from a work order from the Asset Record screen

All the updates will be visible to your client and will go through the review process to get validated.

Creating New Assets in SC Provider

The assets for which your client created service requests may not always be the ones that stand behind the operations halt. You are responsible for identifying what piece of equipment needs to be repaired or replaced. Having the power to add new assets to your client’s asset catalog might be crucial. It helps to ensure that work orders are associated with the correct assets.

 Click to view use cases for this feature:
  • For example, the work order that has been submitted to you tells you about a problem with some equipment but is not linked to any asset. It also turns out that the required asset does not exist in your client’s catalog. That is when the ability to create assets comes into play.
  • The asset associated with the work order is not the only asset that needs to be repaired as part of the requested maintenance service. In this case, you can create and link several more assets to a maintenance work order.
  • An incorrect asset is added to a work order. You want to remove the original asset and link the WO to the corresponding asset.

Your client should grant you two permissions to create new assets in SC Provider:

  • Ability to change assets on work orders
  • Ability to create assets on work orders

Contact your client for more details.

⦿ How to Create an Asset in SC Provider
  1. Locate the work order you were requested to service.
  2. Tap Add Asset on the work order.

    Add Asset link on the work order allows you to associate your work order with an assetThe app will display the assets available at the location that can be added to the work order.

    Before you proceed to the next step, carefully review the list of existing assets. It may already contain the required asset. In this case, you will not need to create a new one. Just tap Add to the right of the asset.

  3. At the bottom of the assets list, tap Create New Asset.
    Button for creating a new asset

  4. Select the required Asset Type.Selecting an asset type for a new asset

  5. Fill out the asset attributes. The required attributes are marked with an asterisk *.Creating a new asset by filling out the required attributes

  6. When ready, tap Submit.

    All the required attributes should be filled out. Otherwise, the app will not let you submit the asset.

The asset gets automatically linked to the work order and gets added to the client’s catalog of assets. Your client will be able to review the asset information you provided and will either confirm or reject the new equipment.

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