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Tools Filtering Invoices with Negotiated Price Mismatch and Viewing Discrepancies

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Filtering Invoices with Price Mismatch

When your providers submit invoices with discrepancies, you can find such invoices using the filter on the Invoices List page.  

⦿ How to Filter Invoices with Price Mismatch
  1. At the top of the page, click Invoices. 

    Screenshot showing the invoices section
  2. In the Filter By section, click the Check or Crossmark on the With Agreed Price Mismatch toggle: 
    1. If you click the Checkmark, ServiceChannel will show you the list of invoices with the agreed price mismatch.  

      Screenshot showing the filter
      When clicking the Checkmark, you can also choose whether the invoice price should be greater or less than the agreed price to specify your search. 
    2. If you click the Crossmark, ServiceChannel will remove invoices with the agreed price mismatch from your list of invoices. 
  3. (Optional) Click the toggle again to deactivate it. 
    The grey state shows that the toggle is neutral. 
  4. (Optional) Click Save Current Filter to remember the filter.

Viewing Discrepancies with Negotiated Price Lists 

You can see where exactly the mismatch appears and the reason for the mismatch:

Contact your ServiceChannel manager to have the mismatch reasons on invoice details. 

Additionally, you can view the number of invoices with discrepancies in Analytics. This data may help you to identify areas of invoice process improvement. 

All material, other prices, and markup % above the agreed numbers will be marked with a Warningicon 

Screenshot showing the material mismatch

If you set up both Client Rates and Negotiated Price Lists, the validation will be performed through the prices in the negotiated lists first. 

Price Mismatch on Mobile Invoices 

The fastest way to view what is going on with your invoices is to open the mobile app. 

⦿ How to View Price Mismatch on Mobile Invoices
  1. Log in to the app and tap Invoices.  
    On invoice details, you will notice the Warningicon on the invoice showing a mismatch. You can check it in two ways: 

    1. Tap the Warningicon. You will see only the discrepancies. 

      Screenshot showing the mismatches on mobile

    2. Tap the invoice itself and tap Charges. You will see all charges.
      hose with discrepancies will have the
      Warningicon next to the charges.

      Screenshot showing the mobile details

  2. Expand the charge with discrepancy to view the difference between the agreed and actual price, agreed and actual markups. 

    Screenshot showing mismatches on the mobile app

    Contact your ServiceChannel manager to prompt a provider to enter the reasons for rate mismatches 

Price Mismatch on Dashboard 

Dashboard is a great tool to manage your invoices and catch discrepancies. 

⦿ How to View Price Mismatch on Dashboard
  1. Open Dashboard > Invoices. 
  2. Open the invoice. If there are discrepancies, on the Invoice Details page, you will see the following: 
    1. In the Material and Other sections: Agreed Unit Price and Applied Unit Price 
    2. In the Markup %: Agreed Markup and Applied Markup 
    3. Reason for Mismatch  

Screenshot invoice mismatches on Dashboard

Contact your ServiceChannel manager to prompt a provider to enter the reasons for rate mismatches. 

Price Mismatch on Invoice Details 

On the Invoice Details page, you can view the discrepancies and the rates on which you agreed with your provider. 

Screenshot invoice details page

You can view negotiated rates from the list in the expandable Client Rates section.  

Screenshot showing the client rates section

⦿ How to View Price Mismatch on Invoice Details
  1. Open the Invoices tab. 
  2. (Optional) In the filter section, click the Checkmark on the With Agreed Price Mismatch toggle to view the invoices with the agreed price mismatch. 

    Screenshot showing the filter
    1. (Optional) Click Invoice price is greater or less the Agreed Price to specify your search. 
  3. Click the invoice to view its details. 
  4. On the Invoice Details page, view price and markup mismatches, mismatch reasons for material and other charges.  

    Screenshot invoice details page

    Contact your ServiceChannel manager to allow your provider to enter the mismatch reasons. 

  5. (Optional) Click the expandable Client Rates section to view the prices from the Negotiated Price List. 

    Screenshot showing the client rates section

To save time on searching for invoices with price mismatches, you can set up the auto-approval process. The invoices with prices in line with the negotiated rates will be auto approved, while invoices with price mismatches will not.  

Screenshot showing the negotiated price list condition

View the Number of Invoices with Discrepancies in Analytics 

If you are a premium analytics user, you can view the discrepancies in the module to identify the areas of concern and avoid financial issues.  

⦿ How to View the Number of Invoices with Discrepancies in Analytics
  1. In the hamburger menu, click Analytics 
  2. Click Explore 
  3. Find Measures and click Mismatched Rates > Mismatched Rates Percentage to view the number of invoices that include mismatched rates. 

    Screenshot showing the analytics
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