On pages listing work orders, including Open Work Orders,Work Order History,Late to Arrive, Feedback Required, and Invoicepages, hovering over the tracking number of a work order in the list pulls up theWork Order Summary.
Details in the Work Order Summary
Tracking #
A number automatically generated when the work order was created.
The number of days/hours the work order is open.
The person who submitted the work order.
Created By
The login account used to submit the work order.
Call Date
The date the work order was generated.
The number of days from the Schedule Date the service provider should arrive onsite to work on the issue, as configured by your administrator.
The company assigned the work order.
Vendor's Phone*
The service provider’s telephone number.
The line of work under which the work order falls.
Classifications that are created in the system by the administrator to group different types of work orders.
Scheduled Date
The date and time the service provider should arrive at your location, calculated by the Priority.
NTE Amount*
An acronym fornot to exceed: the maximum amount the service provider may charge for the service listed on the work order.
The explanation of the problem, as entered while placing the service request.
The current stage of the work order.
Additional details about the work order, entered either automatically by the system or by users or service providers.
The final outcome of the work, as entered by the service provider.
*= Your system configuration determines if you can see the Vender’s Phone or NTE Amount.