Fill out the following columns to apply Decision Tree logic to an issue type. - Area Name:(optional) Only fill this out if you wish the logic to apply to all areas where the Problem Group> Equipment> Problem Code match exactly.
- Problem Group and Equipment: Must be written exactly as it is spelled under the issues tab.
- Problem Code: (optional) Must be written exactly as it is spelled under the issues tab.
- ID: Add unique ID for each row. We recommend you use a similar ID for all lines of questions for same issue type and just add a number to the end so it is easy to see what is grouped together.
- Type: Choose the type of logic from the following:
- select - allows you to utilize the Options field to pre-populate answers for the user to select from
- textbox - creates an open text field for the user
- label - displays text and is most useful for troubleshooting tips and further instructions
- datepicker - a calendar will pop up and require a date to be chosen
- stop - does not allow the user to create a work order and displays cancel button. This data is also captured in the Work Oder Avoidance Dashboard.
- Allow: Fill in input type allowed for this question (all, numbers, text).
- For: (optional)
- Expected Value: (optional)
- Options: (If Type = Select) Enter response selections separated by a comma.
- NextQuestions: (If Type = Select) Enter unique ID to the next line of questioning that is dependent on the Option the user chooses. It should be entered in the same order as under the Options column. When you type in End, this will stop the logic and pull up the work order review screen.
- For example: Under ID Select001, the options a user can choose from are Yes and No. If they choose Yes, it will take them to the next question, ID Select0025 and it will end the logic and display the Work Order Review screen and allow the user to create the work order. If they choose No, it will apply ID Stop001 which will display the cancel button and not allow the work order to be created.
- Header: Enter the questions you want the user to respond to.
- Trade/Priority/Category/NTE/Provider Rank Overrides: (Optional) (If Type = Select) These columns are dependent on the entries in the Options column and can override the original Trade/Priority/Category/NTE/Provider Rank based on the Option the user selects.
- For example, if : If the user selects Alignment, the trade would stay in DOOR - Manual, but if the user selects Lock & Key, then the trade overrides to Locks & Keys.
- Link to Media File: (Optional) Enter a URL to embed into the flow.
- Error: (Optional) Provide a message on screen for bad input
- Required: Type in True if this is a required question and False if it is not.
- Min/Max: (Optional) When Allow= Numbers, you can set a Min/Max number the user can input.
- Helptip: (Optional) Enter text to help the user enter accurate information. Ex: If the entry is a number, you can give them a range the number should be in . like Must be between 32-64 to proceed.
Once you are finished, Save and Upload the Issue List.