Looking for better providers may be time-consuming; identifying if your current providers are performing well or if you need to find better providers are even more headache-inducing processes.  ServiceChannel suggests searching for better providers with

Network Opportunities. With Network Opportunities, we analyze your current providers’ performance and give you options to improve your Private Network by comparing existing Network Opportunities will help you replace underperforming providers with better -performing onesones, who have higher scores and may potentially save you costs for specific trades and locations. 

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Contact your ServiceChannel representative to enable Network Opportunitiesand ensure your user has Power User or/and Provider Assignment Editor secondary roles to be able to view Network Opportunities. 

You can use Provider Search in multiple ways to ensure your target goal of finding the right providers has been reached. 

titleExpand the section to learn more about other ways of provider search depending on your goals.

Goal Best Way to Start
I want to find providers serving a specific trade within a specific region to compare the providers and choose the one that best fits my needs. 

Start the provider search process by entering the desired trade and the needed search area in the Search fields. For example, the Plumbing trade in New York Mills, Minnesota, United States. 

I know a provider’s name and want to find them to invite to my Private Network. 

Start typing aprovider’s company name in the first Search field.   

I want to explore high-performing providers for future projects. 

Use the first two Discovery cards to view the best providers in their industry. 

I want to expand my coverage to ensure all my locations have providers for repair and maintenance services.

Use the third Discovery card to explore providers for specific areas with fewer than 3 providers assigned.

You can also use the cards below the Coverage Map to view the list of providers for a specific trade and location. 


You may have Network Opportunities enabled, but still see the Discovery cards and Coverage Map. It may happen because of the following reasons: 

  • Your user has Power User or/and Provider Assignment Editor secondary roles to be able to view Network Opportunities 
  • Your current providers do not meet the requirements for provider analysis.   
  • There are no opportunity providers yet to replace old providers. Check if there are new opportunities next month. 

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About the Provider Search Network Opportunities Page 



 Provider Search


 with Network Opportunities

page can be

 page is divided into 4 main sections: 

  1. Overall Potential Improvements: Above the opportunity cards, you can view the potential total savings from all opportunities. Click View all to browse through all the opportunities we recommend viewing. 
    • Open: Opportunities where no provider has yet been invited or assigned. 
  1. Opportunity Cards Carousel. Each Opportunity Card has a trade and a number of locations where you can potentially improve your Private Network by inviting new, better-performing providers based on their scores. You will also see the average potential performance improvement in percentage. 
  2. The Score Comparison section. Once you have clicked on any of the Opportunity Cards above, you can compare the scores of your current provider assigned to the selected trade and location and better providers working in the same trade. The Triangle icon on the right side of the section allows you to view the potential % of improvement if you select one of the better providers. 
  3. The Locations Map. The map on the right side of the Provider Search page displays locations included in the opportunity you selected in the Opportunity Cards Carousel section.  
  4. Opportunity Actions. These actions let you either remove the selected opportunity from the Opportunity Cards Carousel section or take a closer look at the list of better-performing providers. 
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    • In Progress: Opportunities where at least one provider has been invited to your Private Network or assigned to specific locations. 
    • Dismissed: Opportunities that have been removed from the Opportunities List. 
    • Completed: Opportunities for which you have assigned new providers or have manually marked as completed. 
  1. Opportunity Statuses. Use the status tabs or quick navigation between opportunities based on their current state:
  2. Top Opportunities List: This list displays the top three opportunities we have identified for you, arranged in descending order by potential cost savings. Each Opportunity Card suggests replacing a primary-ranked provider for a specific trade and location with better-performing providers, based on their scores and potential annual savings.

    • We display only the opportunities that offer an average improvement of more than 20%. 
    • The scores on each Opportunity Card are calculated based on the averages of the scores from the Replacement Mapping Options. These, in turn, are determined by the average scores of the individual opportunity providers within a Mapping Group. 
    • Each Opportunity Card shows the largest cost savings from one of the Replacement Mapping Options within that card. 

  3. Opportunity Actions. These actions allow you to either remove a selected opportunity from the Opportunities List section or delve deeper into the Replacement Mapping Options of an Opportunity Card. 

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About Cost Savings

We compare the proposal/invoice data of the current primary ranked provider to the proposal/invoice data of the opportunity providers within each Mapping Group (each group consists of individual opportunity providers).  

Then, we analyze the potential cost savings of each opportunity provider in the Mapping Group, and aggregate it across all Mapping Groups and Replacement Mapping Options constituting the Opportunity Card.  

Unit of Measure: US Dollars. 

Current Provider Analysis Period: 12 months. 

Required Improvement Percentage: More than 20%. 

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Let’s walk through the process of the provider analysis for current and opportunity providers. 

About the Current Provider Analysis 

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titleAbout the Current Provider Analysis

About the Current Provider Analysis 

Your current providers should meet the requirements such as


scores, locations,

and thenumber

the number of completed work orders at your locations, and others to

be considered

be considered for analysis and potential replacement with better providers.  


New opportunities appear each month.If you do not see any opportunity providers or existing opportunities do not meet your needs, you can check them next month. 


Requirement Description 


For the

For Speed, Quality, Price (calculated at the CBSA level), and

Quality scores, information is gathered for the last 12 monthsThe data analysis is based on for

Engagementscores, information is collected from the past 12 months. The data analysis is based on the work orders completed only for your locations.  

The Engagement score of your current provider is calculated based on their overall Engagement score, not only

Number of Work Orders 

A must have completed 50 repair work orders in the specified trade and location within a year. 


Affected Invoices 

A provider should have invoices in either the Approved or Paid statuses for the specified trade and location over the past 12 months. 

Affected Providers 


Only US locations. 

Affected Providers 

Primary ranked

providers for a specific trade and location

providers for a specific trade and a subset of locations. 


Please note that providers who

decided not to appear in the Provider Search will not be analyzed. Locations Only US locations. Number of Work Orders A provider should have at least 50 work orders on that trade and location. About

have opted out of appearing in the Provider Search will not be included in the analysis. 

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titleAbout the Opportunity Providers Analysis

About the Opportunity Providers Analysis 

Once we have figured out how your current providers are performing, we analyze if there are opportunities for improvement. The following requirements should be met for new providers to appear in the list of opportunities. 


Note that at

least 3

least 3 providers should meet the criteria below so that you can


have various options


 for improvement.  





An opportunity provider should

have at least one county as your current provider

cover a subset of the locations currently assigned to the primary ranked provider. 

Please note that while an Opportunity Card encompasses every location served by the current primary ranked provider for a specific trade, an individual opportunity provider featured on that card might not cover all these locations. 


Scores At least one score (


For Speed, Quality, Price(calculated at the CBSA level),

Engagement) should be more or equal to 20% of improvement. trade

 and Engagement scores, data from the last 3 years is collected. The scores of an opportunity provider must be more than 20% better than those of the current provider.   

Number of Work Orders 

An opportunity provider must have completed 50+ repair work orders in the specified trade and location. 

Affected Invoices 

Invoices are analyzed for the same trade as the current provider’s invoices, covering the past 36 months. 

Same Trade 

An opportunity provider

should serve the same primary

must serve the same primary trade as your current provider. 

Number of Work Orders 

An opportunity provider should have at least 50 work orders on that trade and location.

Read how to view new opportunities providers in Viewing New Opportunities in Provider Search.

title⦿ How to View Opportunities
  • Click View on the Opportunity Card if you want to view theoptionswe suggested for replacement.

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  • Click View all next to Overall PotentialImprovementsto view the full Opportunities List.

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Opportunities Roadmap

For your convenience, we have organized opportunity providers into groups and sub-groups within each opportunity. To avoid confusion on the pages, please review the following hierarchy from top to bottom: 


Provider Search page 

The page contains the Top Opportunities List arranged horizontally from the highest to the lowest annual savings. 

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  • Clicking View all redirects you to the Opportunities List page, where you can see all opportunities curated for you. 
  • Clicking View on one of the top Opportunity Cards redirects you to the Replacement Mapping Options page where you can view the list of Mapping Groups.  

Opportunities List page 

The page contains the Opportunities Cards arranged in descending order by annual savings. 

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  • ClickingView Opportunity redirects you to the Replacement Mapping Options page where you can view the list of Mapping Groups. 

Replacement Mapping Options page 

The page contains Mapping Groups arranged in descending order by annual savings. In each group, you will see the list of opportunity providers. 

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  • Clicking Select Group redirects you to the Mapping Details page showcasing all providers within the chosen group.

Mapping Details page 

The page contains opportunity providers from the selected Mapping Group. 

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  • Click Assign if the opportunity provider you are viewing is already in your Private Network to replace the current primary-ranked provider.  
  • Click Invite to add a new provider to your Private Network. 

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