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Modifying the Label Field on Invoiced Work Orders

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When work orders with a label has been invoiced, users with Admin User and Power User secondary permissions can modify the label field. Modifying the label field on invoiced work orders allows for flexibility when it comes to analyzing data and generating reports. For instance, changing the label on an invoiced work order, it will automatically change and impact the information on the Labels Dashboard for Analytics. 

Modifying invoiced work orders with labels can only be done from the Details View of a work order. 

Modifying the Label Field on an Invoiced Work Order

You have the option to change or remove a label from the field. 

⦿ How to Modify the Label Field on an Invoice Work Order:
  1. On the Work Order List View Invoice tab, select a work order and click the View Details button to enter the details of the work order. 
  2. Click the Pencil icon next to the Label Name to modify the label field.
  3. Use the Drop-Down Arrow or Type-in Feature to modify the label field name.
    1. (To change a label) Select from the list or type-in the name in the field.
    2. (To remove a label) Delete the name from the field.
  4. Click the Save button. The label is updated. 

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