Oct 5, 2022 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs
Features and improvements
Core modules
Asset Manager. We've added the Asset Category column in the asset types report. This column contains information about categories to which asset types are assigned.
Work Orders. We've renamed the following columns on the work order MS Excel regular report: Completed Date to Work Completion Date and Completed Time to Work Completion Time.
Add-on modules
No features and improvements for add-on modules.
Bug fixes
Core modules
Alerts. The critical alerts email housed a broken attachment link. The link didn’t open an attachment, but now it does.
Asset Manager. When you changed the asset type of an asset you may have noticed that the primary trade didn't change on the Revision History tab. Now the primary trade updates as expected.
Site Planning Manager. A site audit which was created in the mobile app for locations in UTC+ time zones disappeared from the site planning reports page in Service Automation after you reloaded the page. Site audits display for locations in any time zone.
Work Orders. When you expanded the calendar to select another end date upon filtering work orders by specific date range in the past, the calendar displayed the current month instead of selected. We’ve fixed this filter.
Add-on modules
No bugs for add-on modules.