2024 Release 1 for Providers

2024 Release 1 for Providers

Important updates for service providers available now

Onboard faster with “autofill” in Compliance Manager 

Now when you’re completing the client profile section in Compliance Manager, sections such as Dispatch Preferences, Client Contacts, and your rate cards can simply be auto-filled from previous client profiles — no need to retype the same information every time.

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Save time by automatically populating sections of a new client profile with information from  one completed for another client. No need to re-type for every new customer. 



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You’ll see what percentage of each rate card used for other clients matches the current client’s needs so you can quickly select the best one. 

Take Action: Use autofill to expedite onboarding with new customers.

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Get faster approvals to your RFPs responses 

Now you'll get an email notification if your customer makes significant changes to their RFP after you’ve submitted your proposal. See a catalog of their changes and simply clone, update, and re-submit your proposal without having to redo the whole thing from scratch. You can stay aligned with evolving project scopes and get your re-submissions approved more quickly to maintain a competitive edge. 

Take Action: Use the new RFP editing feature to save time on your next RFP. 

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Reply to customer notes faster  

Now in the attachments and notes section of a work order, you can use a filter to switch between user created notes and system created notes. When the “User Created” filter is selected, only notes where a comment was entered either by you or the client will be shown. This way you can find client communications more quickly and reply promptly. 



Take Action: Use the “User Created” filter to navigate through work order notes more efficiently. 

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Update for your customers to expand your service

New ways for your customers to engage you to help manage their assets  

Over the past year we’ve been giving your customers more and more ways to actively engage your services to help keep tabs on their equipment, understand total cost of ownership (TCO), and make better decisions about when to repair and when to replace. 

Now, with the latest updates to your customer’s Asset Management functionality, they can enable you to take the lead in doing a comprehensive inventory and then keep it up to date: 

  • Create a complete inventory list of assets to help track condition. 

  • Verify that every piece of equipment is checked and accounted for, update details, or even add new ones. You can also mark when a piece of equipment is unable to be validated before closing the work order. 

  • Add important details like meter readings. 

  • Upload photos for clear visual back-up 

  • Validate multiple assets at one location to streamline inventory work orders. 

Take Action: Note you customers need to actively enable you to do these tasks. To expand your services and get more billable hours, remind your customers of the Asset Management functionality available to them through ServiceChannel, and how they can engage your services to help. 

For more information, see the new Provider Guide to Asset Management 



We are committed to continuously improving your experience and helping you grow with ServiceChannel. Thank you for being a part of the ServiceChannel community. 


“Love that ServiceChannel is always working on making the platform even better than it already is. As far as being able to make your company stand out, clients expect you to be at the forefront of technology. In a partnership with ServiceChannel, you can be on that leading edge.”  - Amber Terry, Vice President of Sales, Superclean