SC Mobile 2310.3 Android RNs
Features and improvements

Assets. You can now add, view, and edit asset meter readings using the SC Mobile app. The entered information will be visible under the Meter Readings section on the Asset Record screen. Learn more in ServiceChannel University.
Assets. Here’s a nice thing. The way you can scan asset tags to find assets and validate them is now snappier and more efficient. Also, you can easily edit details or add missing assets on a PM work order with multiple assets on the Work Order Asset screen. For more details, please check our ServiceChannel University article. 📞 Contact your Customer Success Manager to enable the feature.
Assets. Now you can regularly confirm the existence of assets on your PM work orders. You will be periodically forced to validate assets on PM work orders with multiple assets on the Work Order Asset screen. A user should have an Asset Inventory secondary user role to validate the assets. 📞 Contact your Customer Success Manager to enable the feature.
Site Planning. You can now edit completed site audits on the Site Planning screen! Note, to do that, you need the Site Audit Editor and Site Audit Auditor roles enabled on the Permissions tab of a user profile in Service Automation.
Bug fixes

Work Orders. When you double-clicked on the Confirm/Create WO button on the Create WO screen, several duplicate service requests were created instead of one. We’ve done away with this problem.
This version was released on Nov 2, 2023.