2021 Release 4 for Providers

2021 Release 4 for Providers

We at ServiceChannel are excited to bring you 2021 Release 4 (“R4”), slated for release in October to all Providers worldwide. A summary of the new features impacting providers is listed here. 

NEW Locations Page for Providers 

Changes to the Locations page make it easier for you to anticipate your customers’ needs and plan your resources. With just a few clicks, you’ll be able to see all the locations your clients have assigned to you and you can now filter to see where you are designated as the primary provider. 

To access the Locations page, click the main menu in the top left and then select 'Administration' followed by 'Locations'.  Use the buttons in the top right to filter the results.

NEW Asset Repair Status 

Now you can help your customers keep track of their equipment when you take an asset out for repair or replace an asset at a customer site. Keeping your customers better informed not only provides great service, it also reduces the back-and-forth with your customers trying to locate assets.

The new Asset Repair Status section of the work order allows you to set the status and capture details on assets as you remove them, swap in a replacement, or when you return the asset after repairs. 

Multiple Assets on a Preventative Maintenance Work Order 

Now some of your customers may choose to send you one work order for preventative maintenance that covers multiple assets of the same asset type at a location. You get a cohesive view of what needs to be inspected so you can work more efficiently with the location manager. It’s easier to schedule and perform the inspections, record inspection results for each asset, and you only have one work order to manage and invoice. 

On the Provider mobile app you’ll see the equipment make, model, service history, warranty coverage, and more--at your fingertips while you’re on site.  

For Refrigerant Tracking PMs, you can record refrigerant use against one or more assets on the same PM work order.

Partial Rate Card Approvals

Getting your customer’s approval of your rates through the Service Channel Rate Card establishes trust with your clients and can help you get paid faster. 

Starting in October, when you submit your rates to a customer, your customer has the option to accept all or your rates or accept some and reject others.  If they do reject some of your rates, you can now resubmit only those rates (instead of having to resubmit the entire rate card), saving time for you and your clients.

When your rate card is fully approved, your customers can choose to let the ServiceChannel platform approve invoices automatically, without manual review, if the invoice matches the approved rate card. The result is faster payment for your services.