Jun 2, 2022 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs
Features and improvements

Core modules
Asset Manager. When you update the primary or additional trade of an asset type, make sure assets of that type are not attached to a Planned Maintenance service and location. Otherwise, changing the primary trade will remove the assets of this type from PM services. Also, note that the trade of an asset type cannot be changed if at least one asset is linked to a work order.
Work Orders. From now on, you can add a note with a follow-up date to multiple work orders in bulk instead of adding a note to a work order one by one.
Work Orders. We've made some changes on the WO details page. The Time on site column is renamed Duration under the Check In/Out tab. Also, if the total time for a single check-in is more than 24 hours, the time onsite for that check-in activity will be set to zero. The warning icon will appear next to such a check-in record; hover over the icon to see the tooltip stating that the related labor record is set to zero hours.
Add-on modules
Inventory Manager. We've added the Source field in the Materials Used section under the Invoice & Materials / Parts tab on the WO details page. Use this field to view the source location of parts that were used on work orders.
Bug fixes

Core modules
Dashboard. After you created a work order in Dashboard 2.0 with the Show Recipients and the Add Copy Recipient checkboxes selected in the dashboard settings under the Request Confirm tab, you might have noticed that the additional recipients whose emails you had added didn't receive the copy of the email and weren't listed in the WO notes. Emails are sent out per your dashboard settings now.
Provider Directory. The list of trades on the provider's profile overview page displayed the trades not included in the Service Coverage section. We've tackled the issue.
Add-on modules
No bugs for add-on modules.