Features and improvements

Core modules
No features and improvements for this version.
Add-on modules
Enhanced Inventory Manager. Getting ready to transfer inventory items to another location? You can download or print the list of parts to be picked off the shelves — right from the Transactions tab of Inventory Manager. Here is how:
- Find the desired transfer, and open its detailed view.
- Make sure the transfer is in the Picking status.
- Click the download icon next to the transfer status.
Spaces on Dashboard. Access any Spaces-related page from a single place! The hamburger menu in Service Automation now contains the Spaces section with the following subsections:
- Dashboard
- Analytics
- Viewer
- Plotter
- Manager
Depending on your user role, you will be able to view the corresponding subsections under Spaces.
Bug fixes

Core modules
Dashboard. Recently, many of you couldn't open location notes from the main menu. Instead, you saw an error message telling you that there was a problem with your request. We've given some TLC to the dashboard. The location notes are all up and running!
Locations & Provider Assignments. You couldn’t attach files with filenames in Chinese to your locations. Now, it’s doable.
Provider Directory. After providers removed one of their remittance addresses from the Financial Info section, the remaining address got duplicated.
Provider Directory. An occasional error didn't allow providers to download their W-9 form from the Financial Info section. An error occurred if providers had specified their charter type as Other but hadn’t provided the charter free-text description. We've done with it.
Provider Directory. When US-based providers tried to update their profiles and upload licenses, they saw an error and couldn't move further. We've got that covered.
Work Orders. When you clicked the View Work History link in the overlay for work order reassignment, the link led you to the list showing all work orders for the location as opposed to the work orders for the same trade and location combination.
Work Orders. When providers tried to check out of expired PM work orders, the system didn’t let them do that. We've resolved this issue.
Add-on modules
Projects. After the proposal submitted in response to your RFP had been rejected, and the provider submitted a new proposal, the latter didn’t get linked to the project and never appeared in the Projects module. Follow-up proposals are now attached to the corresponding projects without issues.
Supply Manager. The status of Supply Manager orders could be changed via email even though those orders had been already invoiced. It is no longer possible to update the invoiced WO status via email unless you reject the submitted invoice first.