Analytics allows you to view facilities data in a powerful platform. Facility operators and decision-makers can discover, visualize, manage, and predict data in one place so you can manage your repair and maintenance spend and determine facilities ROI on overall operations. Analytics also allows data scientists and visualization experts to build looks, visualizations, and dashboards to share with users within your organization.
Standard Analytics gives you out-of-the-box dashboards for an array of data: work orders, invoices, proposals, assets, facilities operational costs, contractor scorecards and key performance indicators for providers, user permissions, and NTE data.
Premium Analytics allows for custom builds of complex visualizations, custom data fields, and spreadsheet function imports for use in organizational looks and dashboards that you can share with others within your company.
For both Standard and Premium Analytics, you can also email reports, schedule reports to be emailed automatically, create boards, and mark reports as a 'favorite.'
Accessing Analytics
You can access Analytics once you are granted access by your ServiceChannel administrator.
⦿ How to access Analytics
In the navigation menu, go to Analytics (new). Analytics appears with the *Insite Dashboard displayed.
Granting Access to Analytics to Other Users
ServiceChannel Admin users with the Proview Admin permission can assign licenses to users through the Permissions panel.
⦿ How to grant access to Analytics
Standard Analytics is available to all ServiceChannel subscribers. A maximum of 5 user licenses are available, but you can set up anyone in your organization to receive emailed reports, regardless of their access to Service Automation.
Premium Analytics is an add-on to Standard Analytics. Please contact your ServiceChannel representative to turn on Premium Analytics with the number of user licenses required.
In the navigation menu, go to Admin > Permissions > Users. The Users list appears.
Use the Search bar to locate the desired user.
To the right of the user, click the pencil to edit the user's permissions.
Along the top of the permissions tabs, click the Proview tab.
Choose the desired Current license:
(Standard Analytics Users) Select Light, and then click Apply License Type.
(Premium Analytics Users) Select either Light for view-only access or Pro for edit and chart-building access, and then click Apply License Type.