May 2020 Provider Webinars

In May 2020, we had announced some exciting new features and enhancements on the following topics:

 💻  Watch the recording for more information.

New Work Order & Notes Email (Available Fall 2020)

The redesigned Work Order and Notes emails make it easier for you to identify key information about the service.

simulated design

Question: If I respond to the new notes email will my response appear on the work order?

Answer: Yes, replies to note emails will appear on the work order.

Question: If my technician attempts to click decline (after I have already clicked accepted) from the dispatch email, will it change the status?

Answer: No, you may only ‘Accept’ or ‘Decline’ the work order once. Anything after that requires an action by logging into ServiceChannel.

Question: My company currently ‘scrapes’ information from the work order dispatch email and adds this into our field service management system. Will I be impacted by this change?

Answer: It is possible that if you are taking data from our emails and automatically adding into your system, you may be impacted. Our recommendation is to touch base with your IT team to make them aware of this and adjust accordingly.

Question: My company is currently XML/API integrated with ServiceChannel, will we be impacted by this change?

Answer: No, integrated partners should see no change to their current process.

Scorecard Update (Available Now)

The new Scorecard has improved user experience and includes a key change to the overall grade criteria.

Question: Is my Scorecard weighted differently from before?

Answer: No, your scorecard weighting is the same as before (equal weighting for each KPI). Only the grade range has changed.

Question: My old Repair score was 75% which means I was a ‘B grade’. Will my company still be a ‘B grade’ with the new scoring criteria?

Answer: No, the new grade range means that providers with a Repair score of 75% are classified as a ‘C grade’. Please see the new grade range criteria below;

New Grade Criteria

90% or above   -   A

89 - 80%   -   B

79 - 70%   -   C

69% or below  -   D

Question: I see the Scorecard but can't really tell the difference in the design change. Can you tell me what has changed?

Answer: We worked hard to ensure that this update to your overall Scorecard experience was subtle but useful. The key changes that providers will notice are with the filtering options (click the small arrow above) and accessing other Scorecards (now visible on the left).

Question: How do I get more information about what each of the KPIs mean for both Repair and Maintenance scores?

Answer: You can find this information at ServiceChannel University and much more.

Checklists (Available Now)

Checklists are a new client feature that allows them the ability to enable an actionable list of items for technicians on-site. This function, while not used by all clients, asked a technician to fill out a ‘checklist’ during the check-in or check-out process.

Question: How do I know if my clients are using Checklists?

Answer: If this feature is enabled by your client, the checklists will appear to your technician during on-site services and only when using the ServiceChannel Provider mobile app. To be proactive, we recommend you check with your client.

Question: Does Checklists prevent us from checking out of a work order?

Answer: Possibly, for clients who have enabled this feature and who have ‘required questions to be answered prior to check-out’, technicians are then required to complete the checklist form before they can successfully check-out.

Do Not Dispatch - DND (Available Now)

Do Not Dispatch is a new client feature that prevents providers who are flagged as ‘non-compliant’ from receiving work orders. Typically used and focused for business compliance reasons (e.g. certificates of insurance, contracts/requirements), DND allows customers to reduce their risk while holding providers accountable to updating their compliance information.

Question: How do I know if my client has placed a DND flag on my business?

Answer: First thing all providers should do is ensure that you are fully compliant with all your client requirements; this often prevents the client from placing the DND flag. If you suspect you have been placed on DND and your compliance is fully up to date, please notify your client for further guidance.

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