Jun 1, 2023 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Jun 1, 2023 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Features and improvements

Core modules

No features and improvements for this version.

Add-on modules

No features and improvements for add-on modules.

Bug fixes

Core modules

Dashboard. The contents of the Resolution field were not displayed in the work order details in Dashboard 2.0. We've pinpointed the issue and taken care of it.

Provider Directory. In the Dispatch Preferences section, when a provider added email addresses for each section and tried to save, the following error message appeared: This section is Incomplete. Now providers can save dispatch preferences without error messages.

Work Orders. The language selector was covering the page navigation on the User Management page in the Work Order Assignment section of Provider Automation. So you couldn't switch between pages. We’ve adjusted the language selector.

Work Orders. When you updated work orders with an extensive list of additional approval codes (AAC), you might have noticed that additional approval codes weren't ordered alphabetically. We’ve organized the list in alphabetical order.

Add-on modules

Refrigerant Tracking Manager. If a refrigerant asset on a work order has circuits, the Refrigerant used? section wasn't displayed during the work order updating. We've brought it back.

Refrigerant Tracking Manager. For EU-based and Canadian subscribers, when you selected kilograms and grams as units of measure on the refrigerant settings page, the amount of refrigerant used on work orders was converted into pounds anyway. We've fixed this issue.

Refrigerant Tracking Manager. The Leak Record Number and Second Verification Method columns in the MS Excel leak record report showed inaccurate information. No more data mismatch!