You can add, edit and disable Service Automation users in the Service Automation Admin module. Logins for locations may also be auto-created by enabling this feature in Edit Dashboard Settings (a Dashboard admin user is able to do this). You are also able to maintain user accounts, including disabling users who no long need access to the system and unlocking users who have been locked out of their accounts for exceeding your set number of login attempts. When adding a new user or editing a user account, you can specify their required permissions based on their roles and provide them access to their designated Dashboard. The permissions and settings for each user are displayed next to their names in the users list. These permissions and settings are customized when you add a new user.
The list of users is accessed by clicking the menu icon at the top-left of the page, and selecting Admin > Permissions > Users. There are four types of users displayed on the Users page:
You can filter a long list of users by entering their User ID or Name in the search box and/or selecting the radio button for the User Type you want to view. This is a contains search, so the exact value does not need to be entered. To clear the filtered results, clear the search field and hit the Enter key to show all users.
You can sort all columns on the Users page by ascending/descending order by clicking the column header.
The drop-down at the bottom of the Users page allows you to change the number of results on a page. The Previous (Prev) and Next arrows allow you to navigate to other pages of the Users listings.