Administrators have the ability to select from a list which notification email an individual receives. By managing which notification emails are assigned in Service Automation, administrators can greatly reduce the number of notification emails sent to any individual, therefore freeing up their time to address other issues. 
  1. Click the hamburger menu, and then select Admin > Permissions > Users. 
  2. Select the user whose notification emails you would like to modify. 
  3. Click the pencil icon next to their name to open the edit module. 
  4. Select the General Info tab. 
  5. Select the email notifications that person is to receive by selecting the checkbox next to each of the notification types.

    Should the user no longer wish to receive these notifications, uncheck the box. 

    Email notification settings for a user

        • Invoice Escalation Alerts: With multi-level invoice approval, you can enable the following types of MLI email alerts for the person
          • An email reminder about the invoices that are waiting to be approved or reviewed 
          • An email alert about the invoice being auto-escalated to the next level within the following 24 hours if the user doesn’t take action 
          • An email warning about invoices that do not have the next MLI level to escalate 
          • An email warning about invoices that do not have the assigned users to escalate 
            Learn more about multi-level invoice approval. 
        • Proposal Assignment Notifications: When a proposal is assigned to this person, they will receive an email notification. 
        • Work Order Assignment Notifications: After a work order is assigned to this person, they will get an email notification about the WO assignment.
        • Work Order Notes: When the checkbox is selected for a person, and the email is specified, this person can be manually picked as the recipient of the WO note email alert when someone adds a new note to a work order. 
        • Proposal MLP Notifications: Approvers in the multi-level proposal (MLP) approval hierarchy will be notified when proposals are automatically escalated to their MLP level, and they will need to take action on the proposal. Learn more about multi-level proposal approval. 
  6. Click the Save button to complete the process.