Features and improvements

Core modules
Provider Search. The Add Internal Notes section was added under the third step on the Invite Provider overlay on the Provider Search page. Also, added notes can be viewed and edited on the Invite Details page once the invitation is sent.Work Orders. Previously, the WO review period was based on the last work date, which was not always accurate and led to the fact that you did not have time to leave a review. We’ve reworked the logic. Now, the review period starts after the work order status is changed to Completed / Pending Confirmation. To configure the reviews functionality, navigate to the Feedback tab of your dashboard settings in Dashboard 2.0 and select the required preferences.
Add-on modules
Enhanced Inventory Manager. The Cycle Counts Name column is now available on the location details view page under the Cycle Count section on the Locations tab.
Bug fixes

Core modules
Asset Manger. After the MS Excel assets result file upload under the Imported Assets tab on the Assets (Equipment) page, you might had noticed that the Error column was moved to the middle of the file. For convenience, we shifted the Error column to make it last.Asset Manager. When you selected Asset Rules on the Assets (Equipment) > Administration page, the Asset Rules button vanished from the section list on the top of the page. This mysterious disappearance no longer takes place.
MLP. Upon a final proposal approval, when you selected the Return action in the Review Related Proposals overlay, the page stuck on loading, and after the page refresh, the proposal status was changed to Open. No more worries about this issue.
Provider Directory. Providers couldn't update the user role on the user profile page in the User Management section of Provider Automation. The issue affected those who used the platform in the German language. We've fixed it.
Work Orders. During editing a work order, if you opened the Edit Work Order modal several times, the notification that someone is editing a work order at the same time along with you appeared. Selecting View Details, you see your duplicate name as many times as you have clicked Edit. A tricky bug was finally squished, so now the notification will not be displayed when you edit the work order yourself.
Work Orders. When you tried to edit labels on work orders in bulk, you received the message about the unsuccessful update. Now, you can perform the bulk labels update on work orders.
Add-on modules
No bugs for add-on modules.