Features and improvements
Core modules
No features and improvements for this version.
Add-on modules
Refrigerant Tracking Manager. We've removed the ability to make any updates to a refrigerant work order for a retired provider. Retired providers can no longer:
- Edit or remove refrigeration assets on a refrigerant work order.
- Add, remove, or edit refrigerant part usage on a refrigerant work order.
- Change the trade on a refrigerant work order.
Bug fixes
Core modules
Dashboard. When you created a new work order in Dashboard 2.0, the error notification about the absence of description appeared on the request confirmation page even if the description was provided. Now the notification about the absence of description shows up only if the description field is empty.
Proposals. Previously, proposals assigned to providers who had been removed from the client's Private Network didn't display on the View/Process RFP page. Now all proposals are visible.
Provider Directory. When you tried to print a W-9 Form from the Financial Information page, the following error message appeared: Error occurred during pdf file generating. Now you are able to print a W-9 Form.
Work Orders. The Original ETA Missed tab was a little on the slow side — it took too long to load the page when you selected an option to display 100 work orders per page. We've improved the performance to address the problem.
Work Orders. You were unable to edit a work order problem description if it also contained troubleshooting questions. After you tried to save the updated problem description, the following error message appeared: Validation failed for one or more entities.
Add-on modules
No bugs for add-on modules.