Applying Filters

You may need to click a filter name to view the options

When you apply a filter, a yellow side bar appears next to it so you have a quick view of how your list is filteredit turns blue and displays how many filter options have been selected. You may   remove your filters  by clicking Clear All once you are done with your search.






Search for invitations by service provider’s details such as


business name, email, or a person’s name. Enter the desired detail in the




text box, and then click



Search text boxImage Added


Select the


checkboxes next to the


desired status names to look for invitations with

the specific

those statuses.

To select all statuses, click Select All.





Invitation Statuses for more information

on inactive invitation statuses


Invitation Date

Search for invitations based on when they were sent - after a date, before a date, or within a date range. Fill in From, To, or both fields, and then click Search.

Expiration Date

Search for invitations based on the expiration date - after a date, before a date, or within a date range. Fill in From, To, or both fields, and then click Search.

Profile score

Use the sliders to set a profile range to look for invitations sent to service providers having a profile score within that range.

Filter by inactive invitation statusImage Added

Invited By

Select the boxes checkboxes next to the user names desired usernames to look for invitations sent by those users. Click Select All to search for invitations sent by all users.


Select the boxes checkboxes next to the desired labels to look for invitations with those labels. Click Select All to look for all invitations with labels. (See Managing Labels for more information on adding and managing labels.)


Select the corresponding checkbox to filter for the invitations that are either less than six months or older than six months.

Filter inactive invitations by dateImage Added

Removing Filters

Should you want to use a different filter at any time during the search, click  Clear or Select None Clear All to remove the previously applied filters.

Click Clear All to remove all the applied filtersImage Added
You may also
uncheck clear the checkboxes of your previously selected options as applicable in each case.
Refreshing the page or navigating away from the page automatically clears all filters.

Sorting the Inactive Invitations List

The steps to sort inactive invitations are the same as for active invitations. See Sorting the Invitations List for more information.You can use sorting options to arrange the list of invitations in your preferred way. You may sort by Company Name, Invitation Date, Expiration Date.

title⦿ How to Sort the Inactive Invitations List
  1. On the Invitation History page, click the 🔽 in the Sort field to open the drop-down list. Note that sorting by Invitation Date is selected by default.
  2. Click the appropriate criterion in the list by which you wish to sort. The invitations get sorted by that criterion.
  3. (Optional) Click the arrow next to the selected criterion to arrange the list up or down within the specific criterion.
    Inactive Invitations sorting optionsImage Added