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Congratulations! You should now be live on ServiceChannel!

But this is not the end of the road…in fact, this is just the beginning of the journey. Here are some tips to help you get started:


Work Order Management

  • Check your open WOs to make sure they are being routed to the right providers or internal teams

  • Check your Actionable Landing Page daily to keep an eye on work orders, proposals, and invoices that need your attention

  • Hear feedback from your locations and FM team for any gaps

  • Reach out to ServiceChannel for help.

  • Set up a filter the following work order filters to help you ensure work orders do not fall through the cracks

    • Filter to see work orders assigned to your Internal FM Team to see work orders that are assigned internally, so you can route them to external providers in a timely fashion

    • Filter to see your emergency work orders to ensure they are being handled by providers expeditiously

    • Filter to see your top 3 trades to ensure they are assigned to providers


  • Check Compliance Manager to make sure your trusted Providers are in your Network

    • Reach out to them personally if they have not finished their compliance

    • Make sure they are scheduled for free ServiceChannel training. Providers are notified of classes every day for 30 days, and we run 2-3 sessions per day

  • Check your Provider Assignments to make sure all of your trades have Providers assigned to them

    • If you do not have a Provider to assign to a Trade, route your work orders to your Internal FM Team

    • If you don’t see a provider in the list, check your Compliance Manager > Invitations to make sure they are accepted into your private network

    • Ensure that you have backup providers for each trade in case you need to reassign work orders


Confirm user credentials and set up all new users

Planned Maintenance

  • (If PM schedules were set up during implementations): Ensure schedules are set up correctly, keeping note of those scheduled to run within the first month of using ServiceChannel

  • (If PM schedules are not set up): Have a plan to set up HVAC, Fire/Life Safety, Janitorial, and Window Cleaning schedules, within the next 3 months


  • Confirm all users have their login credentials and are set up with the correct permissions


  • (For teams who allow mobile apps in locations): Ensure your location users, location managers, and facilities teams have ServiceChannel Mobile downloaded and loaded onto mobile devices


  • Check work orders submitted by your location users to ensure they are leaving feedback on completed work orders (work orders in the “Pending Confirmation” status)

  • Check Compliance Manager for any straggling Providers. Reach out to them personally if they have not finished their compliance

    • Make sure they are scheduled for free ServiceChannel training. Providers are notified of classes every day for 30 days, and we run 2-3 sessions per day

  • Make sure the right people Review your work order filters that were set up earlier, to make sure work orders are assigned out and providers are confirming their ETAs.