Projects By Status gives you insight on all projects and their individual status. You can see the overall progression of a project, how many projects are in a certain status, and the total numbers of projects in a specific status. The initial viewpoint comes in the form of a pie chart that provides a breakdown and visualization of the projects and their statuses. You can dive into the graph by selecting a specific part of the chart.
You can download the data and email reports to recipients.

Anchor |
| examiningpiechart |
| examiningpiechart |
Examining the Pie Chart
Once inside a specific status from the pie chart, you are able to identify all projects currently in that status. For example, clicking on the InProgress section of the chart will provide a list of all projects that are In-Progress. This information includes everything you would see within a project in the Projects Module.
Panel |
bgColor | #F9F9F9 |
titleColor | #0e3367 |
titleBGColor | #EAEAEA |
borderStyle | none |
title | ⦿ How to View Projects By Status |
- Select a status by clicking a specific Pie Chart Piece to open the list of projects
- A modal appears with a list of projects currently in that specific project lifecycle status

Anchor |
| totalprojects |
| totalprojects |
Total Projects

Total Projects gives you awareness on all the projects created and entered into the Projects Module. You can compare and contrast all the projects at once. For instance, you can analyze projects from the list that strictly dealt with window repairs regarding time length of the project, cost, budget status, and its location.
Panel |
bgColor | #F9F9F9 |
titleColor | #0e3367 |
titleBGColor | #EAEAEA |
borderStyle | none |
title | ⦿ How to View Total Projects |
- Click on the numerical value before the words Total Projects to open the list of projects
- A modal appears with a list of all the projects totaling the number on the dashboard

Anchor |
| commondatafeatures |
| commondatafeatures |
Insert excerpt |
| All Calls Tab |
| All Calls Tab |
nopanel | true |