Proposals are sent by service providers detailing the costs and materials involved to complete the specified work. Managing these proposals in SC Mobile helps you save time during the reviewing and action-taking process. When a service provider submits a proposal, you may can take the following actions in SC Mobile:

  • approve a View proposal ;
  • place a proposal on hold;
  • reject a proposal; and
  • assign the proposal to another person in your organization.
You may review proposal lists either for one location or across all locations for which you have access. Within those lists, you may , assignment
  • , priority,
  • trade, and
/or trade.
  • more
  • Process proposals: approve, reject, put on hold, or assign them to specific employees in your organization

Users with the "Proposals: Process" and "Proposals: Full Control" permissions can take action on proposals in SC Mobile.

Viewing proposal details in SC Mobile

Standalone Proposals Versus Proposals Linked to a Work Order

There are two types of Proposalsproposals:

  • Standalone Proposalsproposals are not tied to a work order. Once the proposal is accepted, a work order is generated.
    • For exampleExample: A service provider may create a standalone proposal while tending to their planned maintenance servicing a Planned Maintenance work order (say, a proposal for a HVAC repair while the created when a provider was performing filter maintenance). Also, you may see standalone proposals from RFPs generated from by you or your internal team, such as for CapEx projects.In SC Mobile you will see “(No WO Associated)” on the Proposal, as depicted above.
  • Proposals Associated With a Work Orderassociated with a work order are generated from an existing work order. This typically occurs when a service provider is already working on a repair, but the scope of work has increased, or work will cost more than the NTE.
    • For exampleExample: A  A service provider is fixing a roof, based on the work defined task specified in a work order. The NTE is for $1500, but the scope of work increases the costs to $1700. You may request the service provider to submit a proposal based on that the existing work order.

Accessing and Viewing Proposals

In SC Mobile, you can view proposals from the Location, the linked Work Order, or from the Proposals list:a location, from a work order associated with a proposal, and from the proposals list.

From a Location

Looking up a Location and then tapping Proposals list all open proposals for that location.

For each Proposal you see an overview of the Cost, Trade, Provider, and Description, as well as whether it is linked to a Work OrderYou can view all proposals submitted for a specific location.

title⦿ How to View Proposal Proposals for a Location
  1. Locate and tap the desired location.Tap , and then go to the Proposals tab. The A list of Proposals proposals for that Location location appears.
  2. Tap the desired proposal. The Proposal Details appear.

From here, you may view the proposal details and can take action on the a proposal or view the proposal details.

From a linked work order

On the Work Order Details the proposal is listed under Related Proposals.

You can see what status the Proposal is in (Open, On Hold, Rejected, or Accepted) along with the Proposal numberWhen a proposal is linked to a work order, you can see the proposal status and number on the work order details screen.

title⦿ How to View a Proposal From from an Associated Work Order
  1. Locate and tap the desired work order. The Work Order Details appearwork order details screen appears.
  2. Under Related Proposals, tap the Proposal Link. The Proposal Details appear.
From here, you may view
  1. proposal link. You get to the proposal details
and take action on the proposal
  1. .

From the proposals list

Here, you will see a list of all open Proposals You can view a full list of proposals submitted for all locations to which you have access.You will see an overview of the Cost, Trade, Provider, and Description, as well as whether it is associated with a Work Order.

title⦿ How to View the Proposal Proposals List
  1. From On the SC Mobile Home Page (or from the hamburger menu)home screen, tap Proposals. The You get to the list of open Proposals appears.Tap the desired proposal. The Proposal Details appear.proposals.

From here, you may view the proposal details and can take action on the a proposal or view the proposal details.



Proposal Details

On the Proposal Detailsproposal details screen, you will see a description of the project as well as a breakdown of costs: materialscan see the following info:

  • Recommendation on the proposal provided by the Supporting Intelligence solution
  • Project description
  • Attachments uploaded with the proposal (if any)
  • The breakdown of project costs: costs incurred to date, materials, installation labor, non-installation expenses, freight, tax,
costs incurred,
  • and the total cost
for the proposal. You will also see any attachments uploaded with the proposal. (Note: When there are no attachments you will not see this field.)
title⦿ How to View Proposal Details
  1. After locating the desired Proposalproposal, tap each line item to review view more details. (Note: When there is a You can not expand line items where the cost is zero (0.00) cost on a line item, the line will not expand.)
    Viewing proposal details in SC Mobile

Taking Action on Proposals

Once your proposal is reviewed, you may take the appropriate action.

NoteAccepted proposals must be associated with a work order. For standalone proposals, you will create a new work order at the time of accepting the proposal. For linked proposals, you can either keep the original work order or change the work order

you have reviewed the proposal details, you can process the proposal — approve, reject, put on hold, or assign it to a specific employee in your organization.

title⦿ How to Approve a Linked Proposal With Existing WO
  1. Locate On the desired Proposal and proposal, tap Approve. A green dialog box appears.
  2. Tap Approve With Existing WO. The Existing WO page appears.
  3. Review the work order details for accuracy, and then tap Save. A green dialog box appears.
  4. Tap Reason for Approval, choose the reason for the proposal approval, and tap Save.
    Image Removed
  5. Enter a comment providing more details and tap Proceed. The existing work order is updated, and the proposal is marked as Approved.
title⦿ How to Approve a Standalone or Linked Proposal With a New WO
  1. Locate the desired Proposal and tap Approve. A green dialog box appears.
  2. Tap Approve With New WO. The Create WO page appears.
  3. Enter the WO details and tap Next. A green dialog box appears.
  4. Tap Reason for Approval, choose the reason for the proposal approval, and tap Save.
  5. Enter a comment providing more details and tap Proceed. A new work order is created, and the proposal is marked as Approved. The new work order number is listed on the proposal, and you may tap it to view the details.
  6. Depending on whether the proposal is associated with a work order, you can select the original or existing WO or create a new one. Specify the required WO parameters, and tap Confirm / Select WO.


    Approved proposals must be associated with a work order. For standalone proposals, you need to create a new work order upon accepting the proposal. For proposals linked to a work order, you can either keep the original work order or choose another one.

  7. In the green overlay that appears, select a reason for approval (if required), and enter your comment.
  8. Tap Approve to confirm. The proposal moves to the Approved status.
    Image Added

title⦿ How to Reject a Proposal
  1. After locating On the desired Proposalproposal, tap each line item to review all details.
  2. Tap Reject. A red dialog box appears.
    Rejecting a proposal in SC MobileImage Removed
  3. (Optional, but recommended) Enter a Reason for Rejection in the text area.
  4. Reject the proposal with or without notifying people:
    1. To reject without sending notifications:
      • Tap Proceed. The proposal is marked as Rejected.
    2. To reject and send notifications:
  5. Tap Select People to Alert to send an email notification of the rejection. The Notifications page appears.
    • By default, the service provider is selected. Tap the names of listed people, and/or tap Add Email + to send notifications to unlisted people.
  6. Tap Send. The proposal is marked as RejectedReject.
    Rejecting a proposal in SC MobileImage Added
  7. In the red overlay that appears, select a reason for rejecting the proposal.
  8. (Optional) Enter a comment explaining why you’re rejecting the proposal.
  9. (Optional) Tap Select People to Alert to specify people who will receive a notification about the rejected proposal. The provider who submitted the proposal is selected by default. To add another email address, tap Add Email.
  10. Tap Proceed to confirm. The proposal moves to the Rejected status.

title⦿ How to Place a Proposal On Hold
  1. After locating On the desired Proposalproposal, tap each line item to review all details.Tap On - Hold. The proposal is marked as On Holdbutton color changes to yellow.

    Putting a proposal on hold in SC Mobile


    You can take a proposal off hold by tapping On Hold again. The icon button color will change back to blue.

title⦿ How to Assign a Proposal to Another Person in Your Organization

When assigning a work order you still may be able to take action on the work order.

Note: You cannot undo a proposal assignment. Once you assign a user, you can only reassign it to another user. You cannot remove the assignment.

  1. After locating the desired Proposal, tap each line item to review all details.
  2. Tap On the desired proposal, tap Assign. A list of users appears.
    Assigning a proposal in SC Mobile
  3. Tap the desired user, and then tap Assign.
  4. In the blue overlay that appears, select a reason for assigning the proposal (if required), and enter your comment
  5. Tap Assign to confirm. The proposal is marked as Assigned, and the user name of the assignee is listed on the proposal.
    Selecting a user to assign a proposal to in SC Mobile

You cannot undo a proposal assignment. Once you assign a proposal to a user, you can only reassign it to another user.

Filtering Proposals

To help narrow down your proposal list, you may filter by Status, Assigned To, PriorityTradeProvider, and/or Category. You may also sort the list by Created Date, Trade, or Status. This is beneficial, for example, when you want to only see the proposals in the CapEx category, or open proposals, or proposals under a few, specific trades.

  • All means that no filters are applied for that section, as illustrated next to Assigned to.
  • A number indicates how many were selected, and thus applying the filter.
  • To see the full list, you must reset the filters on the bottom of the page, and then apply the change.
    • When the filters are reset, Status will return to the default 2 selections, Open and On Hold.

Filtering proposals in SC MobileImage Removed

Once filters are applied, the filters

You can filter proposals by the following criteria:

  • Creation date
  • Amount
  • Status
  • Priority
  • Trade
  • Category
  • User the proposal is assigned To
  • Provider who submitted the proposal

You can sort the list by the proposal creation date, trade, or status. You may also exclude proposals associated with a work order,

To reset the filter, tap Reset, and apply the desired changes. When the filters are reset, the Open and On Hold statuses are selected, and the creation date is set to the last 3 months.

Filtering proposals in SC MobileImage Added

Once the filters are applied, they remain turned on even when you quit the app or sign out.

Image Modified


You can create a custom filter by tapping the plus + icon in the upper-right corner of the screen.

title⦿ How to Turn On Filters
  1. On the Proposals proposals list page, tap Filter Proposals / Filter Applied. The Filter Proposals page screen appears.
  2. Tap Status, Assigned to, Priority, Trade, Provider, and/or Category to uncheck the items you do not wish to see, and then tap Apply.
  3. Tap Apply. Filter Proposals changes to Filters AppliedApply the desired filter by tapping Apply. You will see Filter Applied on the proposals screen.

title⦿ How to Reset Turn Off Filters
  1. On the Proposals proposals list page, tap Filters Filter Applied. The Filter Proposals page  screen appears.
  2. Tap On the applied filter, tap Reset, and then tap Apply. Filters Applied changes to Filter Proposals You will see Filter on the proposals screen.

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