Features and improvements

Core modules
Work Orders. Previously, when you left negative feedback on a work order, you could choose the In Progress/Unsatisfactory or Completed/Confirmed status only. Now you can select any available status.
Work Orders. To improve the process of adding or updating an asset on a work order, we've added the ability to search for an asset by asset tag, tag ID, serial, brand, and model in the Update Asset on Work Order modal.
Add-on modules
No features and improvements for add-on modules.
Bug fixes

Core modules
Proposals. On the proposal creation page, the incorrect total amount in the Enter Materials section was displayed. We've tackled the issue, the total material amount calculates correctly.
Provider Directory. The after hours phone number didn't change on the Dispatch Preferences page. We've pinpointed the issue and taken care of it. The new after hours phone number displays right after you update it.
Work Orders. On the WO details and list view pages, long provider company names were cut off and you couldn't see them fully. Now all provider company names are fully displayed.
Add-on modules
Refrigerant Tracking Manager. Providers were unable to add more than one refrigerant part use on a work order. The following error message appeared: Use date cannot be more than completed/scheduled date and less than call date. The error does not pop up anymore.