Features and improvements

Core modules
API. Our new GET/subscribers/{subscriberId}/InvoiceRequirements
API method allows you to retrieve the general invoice settings configured for your company in Admin > Invoices > General. For providers using the new method, we will deliver the general settings of the specified subscriber.
Dashboard. As you land on the assets list where you choose which asset to associate with a new service request, note that assets are sorted by tag ID in ascending order — from A to Z and 0 to 9 — instead of descending order as it was before.
Proposals. We’ve speeded up the process of assigning proposals by five times! It takes just a couple of seconds to process your request and complete the assignment.
Add-on modules
Connector. Once work orders are accepted or declined via email, we add an extra WO note — to inform you of the status change.
Bug fixes

Core modules
Invoices. Changed your mind right in the middle of creating an invoice? Click either Cancel or Close on the page for creating an invoice, and you get back directly to the WOs list. The two buttons were there before, but they didn’t work, unfortunately.
MLI. Invoices got stuck at the first level of your MLI hierarchy if the next level had no employees assigned at the location. Today, invoices skip the level with no users assigned and move further.
Work Orders. After you opted to resend a dispatch email to your provider via the overlay for editing a work order, we didn’t add any WO note informing everyone involved of this event. No more hidden facts!
Work Orders. In Internet Explorer, editing work orders was a troublesome matter. Regardless of the place where you tried to do it — from the WO list or details view — the overlay for editing the WO never opened.
Work Orders. We’ve got the Reassign button back for work orders in the In Progress/Dispatch Confirmed status. Apologies to all whose work was disrupted by the sudden disappearance of the button.
Add-on modules
Refrigerant Tracking Manager. After a follow-up work order got generated so that the provider could fix a leaking asset and close the leak record, you couldn’t find the follow-up WO number for this asset on the asset details page. Follow-ups don’t go missing anymore.
Supply Manager. Quotation marks in the problem description of Supply Manager orders appeared as snippets of code in your dashboard.