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2023 Release 3 for Providers

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Important updates for service providers coming October 26

Spotlight your performance scores compared to your peers

New benchmarking feature in your Contractor Scorecard 2.0

Today, in the new Contractor Scorecard 2.0, you and your customers can see at-a-glance how your scores for Speed, Quality, Price and Engagement compare to the scores of all providers on ServiceChannel. Starting October 26th, with a new benchmarking feature, using filters, you’ll also be able to see how your scores and KPIs line up against benchmarks set by providers in your specific trade, in the same geographic area you serve.

This is important since your scores, and the scores that define the Top, Average, Below Average and Bottom performance quartiles may be very different by customer, by trade and/or by region. For example, the Price score that defines the most cost-effective HVAC service providers may be very different for a county in rural Idaho than it is for the New York City metropolitan area.

With benchmarking, you and your customers have a clearer, more accurate picture of how you truly excel compared to your peers and your opportunities for growth. And you and your customer will have mutual access to more accurate data to support your partnership.

The calculations behind benchmarking also align more closely with how providers are ranked in ServiceChannel Provider Search, so you can easily see where you might focus to get discovered by more prospective new customers.

Take Action:

  • Take a close look now to see how benchmarking works.

  • Continue to track your scores for specific customers and groups of customers in your Contractor Scorecard 2.0 to see your strengths and opportunities for improvement. That way, you’ll be in the best possible position when benchmarking is available in October.

More updates to save you time and get paid faster

Create multiple new user accounts at once

Save time in creating new user accounts by uploading a template spreadsheet with multiple users, without the need for email invitations. New users will receive a login, can set their password and immediately access ServiceChannel.

Speed up COI approval

When you upload a Certificate of Insurance (COI) to the client insurance documents[CA20]  page, ServiceChannel will automatically populate required content and remove unnecessary information.

Allowances for out-of-range check-in

To help your technicians get started faster, your customers can now allow them to check in even when they’re outside the specified radius of the location — for example, when working from a parking lot, the store coordinates are wrong, or there’s no GPS signal. Note that in these situations, the check-in will be marked as "Non-compliant,” so you’ll need to review and adjust hours if needed before invoicing your customer.

Faster way to identify customer assets

As we announced with the July release, you now can expand your services to include more help with asset management. If your customer enables this feature, they can assign you permission to:

  • Upload assets to the system, for example, bulk upload all assets for a location via a spreadsheet.

  • Edit asset tag information when you’re validating asset information and discover a wrong tag number or code on a work order.

Starting in October, they may also include a prompt in the provider mobile app to include correct asset information at either check-in or check-out. To make it quick and easy, if there is an asset listed on a work order, you can simply select or scan an asset tag from the mobile app. Get detailed guidance.  

Streamline invoice approvals

Your customers can now require a signature from a store or location manager before your technician checks out or changes the work order status to “Complete.” They can also prevent changing the status of an “In progress - Unsatisfactory” work order until your technician engages with their point of contact about requirements to complete the work. This will help avoid additional back-and-forth with your customer before you can invoice.

Ability to invoice taxes at the line-item level

For customers that require it, you can now show taxes on your invoices by line item or expense group.

Updates for providers with custom integrations with ServiceChannel

A new Integration Services Resource Hub, accessible right from your provider homepage, will provide easy access to the Developer, API Reference pages, permissions, webhooks and more.

  • WebHook improvements - Get notified when your connected customer makes changes to categories, priorities or trades.

  • New API check location radius - Get the GPS radius for a work order location without requiring check-in.

  • New list of available APIs - View all available APIs and filter by Subscriber or Provider. 

Take Action:

  • If you’re already integrated or in the process of creating a custom integration with ServiceChannel, take a closer look at the resources soon to be available at your fingertips.

  • If you haven’t yet considered integrating your systems with ServiceChannel, learn more about the benefits, such as time saved on double data entry:

    • Explore custom options and contact a specialist.

    • Check out the free ServiceChannel integration available now with ServiceTitan, the industry-leading field service management system.

More information about all these updates will be available in ServiceChannel University in late October.

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