Features and improvements

Core modules
Asset Manager. Just in one mouse click, you can apply multiple filters on the new assets list! Pick the desired filtering criteria, and hit Apply at the top of the filters panel. Need to remove all the applied filters? Click Clear All Filters to do the job.
Dashboard. From the page for creating a service request, we’ve removed the Call Date/Time field that displayed the point in time when you started creating the request. The field confused you since the call date and time are about the moment you finally dispatch your request — and not the time when you take the first step.
Dashboard. To get private location notes to appear on the page for creating a service request in Dashboard 2.0, you should first select the Enable Location Notes checkbox and then the Show Private Store Notes checkbox on the Request tab of your dashboard settings. We’ve arranged these two checkboxes side by side on the tab to make it easier for you to activate location notes.
MLI. Names matter! Each MLI level should have a unique name now. Whether you add levels one by one or you do it in bulk via template, stick to the “unique level name” rule.
Add-on modules
Projects. Would like to associate completed work orders with a project? If you have the “Power User” role, you can now add the project ID to completed and invoiced WOs right from the WO details page.
Supply Manager. We’ve updated the confirmation message text that you see after creating a Supply Manager order. The purpose was to reflect that our platform is now called ServiceChannel — and not ServiceClick anymore.
Supply Manager. You can now fully update an order created through Supply Manager, including adding, editing, and deleting items. No longer do you have to completely cancel an existing order and create an entirely new one. If you’re already using the feature for editing ordered materials on the WO details page, the ability to add new items is at your disposal with this release. In case you don’t have this feature yet, ask ServiceChannel to turn it on for you.
Bug fixes

Core modules
Asset Manager. On the redesigned assets list, filtering assets by asset type is way easier because all the options you find in the Select Asset Type dropdown are sorted alphabetically now.
Locations & Provider Assignments. Should you upload locations via a template containing wrong ZIP codes, we now show you a more meaningful error message so that you can troubleshoot the error. Download the results file, and check the Error Code column — it explains what you should correct.
Provider Directory. When you viewed the W-9 form from the Financial Information section, the company address didn’t look right in some cases — the info was merged together, making it difficult to figure out what was what. Thanks to spaces that we’ve added as separators, the address looks good now.
Work Orders. A bunch of issues with filtering and searching for WOs cropped up on the WOs list. One of them appeared when you searched for a WO by tracking number: you had to hit Enter several times on your keyboard to get the corresponding WO.
Add-on modules
Projects. Say you have an “Approved” or “In Progress” project and multiple providers submit their proposals to the RFP associated with the project. Once you click Select Proposal next to the desired option, we show that we’ve started processing the selected proposal. We didn’t do that before, so you kept on clicking the same button creating multiple change orders.