Features and improvements

Admin. Internal techs can now receive notification emails every time a note is added to a WO they’re assigned to. For that, select the Receive Work Order Notes for Provider checkbox in the notifications section of a tech’s profile in Provider Automation.
Work Orders. If only one WO is left on the last page of the WOs list and you update the WO status, you now get back to the previous page. This refers to all tabs except for All.
Work Orders. In Service Automation, searching for work orders by WO and PO numbers on the new WOs list is running faster now.
Bug fixes

Asset Manager. To avoid several assets being uploaded with the same tag ID, we now check for unnecessary spaces in the tag ID field when you upload assets via text template.
Dashboard. The list of locations that you have access to doesn’t include closed stores anymore.
Dashboard. Whether you are creating a new message of the day or updating an existing one, the start date for your message is no longer changed to an incorrect one.
Refrigerant Tracking Manager. For “Completed / Pending Refrigerant Use” work orders, you couldn’t enter the info on the refrigerant used because the Enter Refrigerant Usage button was missing.
SC Mobile. When you created a work order, the areas were listed randomly. Now they’re in alphabetical order so that you can easily find the one you need.
Work Orders. On the WO Asset Details tab, clicking the link to view all completed WOs for this asset doesn’t trigger an error anymore.
Work Orders. While you have an overlay opened on the new WOs list, you cannot go filtering WOs anymore since the filter icons on the collapsed filters panel become inactive.