Homepage for Providers outside the US

Homepage for Providers outside the US

Go to Info for the US Providers

Once you log in to Provider Automation, you land on the Homepage where you can do the following:

You can get back to the Homepage from any page of Provider Automation by clicking the ServiceChannel logo.

⦿ How to Access Access the Homepage
  1. Click on the Menu icon in the upper-left corner, and select Home. Alternatively, click on the ServiceChannel logo in the upper-left corner.

The image below shows an overview of the Homepage.

Home page overview

  1. Work order search: Option to search for work orders by multiple criteria.
  2. Filters: Filters that allow filtering work orders (WOs), proposals, and invoices by client and creation date on the Homepage.
  3. Metrics: Metrics for the most recent work orders, proposals, and invoices broken down by statuses.
  4. Profile overview panel prompting you to complete pending tasks related to your profile:
    1. Account statusYour ServiceChannel Usage Fee Account Status may be listed as ActiveGrace, or Restricted, depending on whether you have provided a valid Payment Method. To add a payment method, see Adding Payment Methods for more information.
    2. Welcome message.
    3. Profile Completion: Percentage of your profile completion and your Provider Profile listing status meaning that you are Listed for ServiceChannel’s Marketplace Search, and clients may contact you about new business opportunities.
    4. Current Compliance: Number of clients for which you are not fully compliant because you have not provided the required information.
    5. New Invitation: Number of new invitations from clients to join their Network of providers.
  5. Homepage data update time: Time when the information on the Homepage was last refreshed. A checkmark indicates that all data is up to date.
  6. Provider ID: The identifier of your company in ServiceChannel.

Read below for more information on each section of the Homepage.

Searching for Work Orders

To find out how to search for service requests from the Homepage, see Work Order Search from the Homepage.

Viewing Work Orders, Proposals, and Invoices

On the left side of the Homepage, you can view metrics for the most recent work orders, proposals, and invoices. You can filter them by client and creation date. Each time you land on the Homepage, you get a quick overview of how your WOs, proposals, and invoices are progressing, which allows you to monitor the current situation and identify areas of work that may require prompt action.

Click a metric to navigate to the corresponding page with filters applied. For example, when you click a metric showing work orders Pending Arrival, you land on the Work Orders List displaying service requests in the In Progress / Dispatch Confirmed status.

Metrics for work orders, proposals, and invoices on the Home page

 Work Orders

  • Confirmation Required: Work orders submitted by your clients that you haven’t yet accepted. Learn more about responding to service requests.
  • Pending Arrival: Accepted work orders on which technicians haven’t yet started work.
  • In Progress: Accepted work orders on which technicians are currently working.
  • Pending Review: Completed work orders awaiting feedback from clients.
  • Return Required: Work orders for which technicians completed the job, but clients deemed it unacceptable.


  • Proposal Requested: Requests for proposal (RFPs) submitted by your clients for which you haven’t yet created proposals. Click the metric to navigate to the RFPs List and create proposals for RFPs.
  • Open: Proposals sent to your clients on which they haven’t yet taken action.
  • Waiting Review: Proposals that your clients placed on hold as requiring further review.
  • Approved: Proposals approved by your clients.
  • Rejected: Proposals rejected by your clients.


  • Invoice Required: Work orders in the Completed or Completed/Confirmed status you need to create invoices for. Click the metric to get to the Work Orders List and submit invoices.
  • Open: Invoices sent to your clients on which they haven’t yet taken action.
  • Waiting Review: Invoices that your clients placed on hold as requiring further review.
  • Approved: Invoices approved by your clients.
  • Rejected: Invoices rejected by your clients.

Homepage Filters

You can filter work orders, proposals, and invoices that appear on the Homepage by client and creation date.

Filtering by Client

By default, work orders, proposals, and invoices appear on the Homepage for all of your clients. You can enable the filter to view these items only for specific clients.

⦿ How to Filter Items by Client

  1. In the upper-left corner of the Homepage, click the Clients filter.
    Option for filtering work orders, proposals, and invoices by client on the Home page
  2. In the overlay that appears, select the checkboxes for the desired clients.
    Overlay for selecting clients by which you want to filter items on the Home page

    Here are some tips for working in the filter overlay:

    • To find a specific client, start typing their name in the search field at the top of the overlay.
    • You can switch between the pages listing your clients by clicking the arrow buttons.
    • If you have taken action in the filter overlay and then changed your mind, click Reset to discard your changes and go back to the previous filter state.
  3. Click Save to apply the filter. The metrics on the Homepage will automatically update to show work orders, proposals, and invoices for the specified clients. Next time you land on the Homepage, the filter you saved applies to the metrics.

You may want to turn off the filter and view all work orders, proposals, and invoices regardless of the client.

⦿ How to Disable Filtering Items by Client

  1. In the upper-left corner of the Homepage, click the Clients filter.
    Items on the Home page are filtered by 3 clients
  2. Click All in the overlay that appears, and then click Save to confirm.
    Selecting all clients in the overlay for applying the filter by clientThe metrics on the Homepage will automatically update to include all work orders, proposals, and invoices.

Filtering by Creation Date

You can filter work orders, proposals, and invoices on the Homepage by date when they were created.

⦿ How to Filter Items by Creation Date

  1. In the upper-left corner of the Homepage, click the time period next to Creation Date.
  2. In the drop-down list, select the time period for which you want to show items: past 7, 14, 30, or 45 days.
    Filtering work orders, proposals, and invoices by creation date on the Home pageThe metrics on the Homepage will automatically update to show work orders, proposals, and invoices for the specified time period.

Profile Overview: Completing Outstanding Tasks

The blue panel on the right side of the Homepage shows an overview of your profile and gives you quick links to pending tasks that you need to complete to improve your compliance and visibility. From here, you can do the following:

Profile overview panel on the Home page

       Click the arrow   on the desired card to navigate to the corresponding page — without searching for it throughout Provider Automation.

ServiceChannel Usage Fee Account Status

SUF status shown in the profile overview panel

The ServiceChannel Usage Fee Program (or SUF Program) gives you great benefits, such as access to Provider Automation, ServiceChannel Provider Mobile, and other features. Each Provider Company has a SUF status based on the current Payment Method:

  • Active. You have updated the Payment Method, so you have all the benefits of ServiceChannel. You can receive work orders and invoice them as normal.
  • Grace. You are granted a temporary grace period to update your Payment Method. During this grace period, you have all the benefits of ServiceChannel. You can receive work orders and invoice them.
  • Restricted. You have not updated your Payment Method, so your ability to invoice work orders is restricted. You can receive work orders, but you will be able to invoice them once you update your Payment Method, and your account automatically moves to the Active status.

Hover over the account status to see what it means. When your status is Grace or Restricted, click it to add an acceptable Payment Method. As soon as you do this, your account will move to the Active status.

Should you have issues generating an invoice, first check your SUF status to ensure it is not Restricted. See ServiceChannel Usage Fees for more information.

Profile Completion

The green progress bar on the Profile Completion card shows the overall percentage of your Directory profile completion.

Profile Completion card showing the overall percentage of your Directory profile completion

Click the progress bar or arrow   to navigate to the Profile Overview page where you can do the following:

  • View outstanding requirements from ServiceChannel clients.
  • See how many trades your company has registered with.
  • View the completion percentage of your Profile, Financial Information, and network.

Providers in the USA, by clicking the progress bar or arrow , navigate to the Directory Profile where you can complete or update your profile information, including business information, trades and coverage, licenses and certifications, and financial information.

Providers in the USA can see their Service Provider Directory listing status at the top-right corner of the card. Your profile can be in one of the following statuses:

  • Listed: Your business profile is currently listed for ServiceChannel’s Marketplace, Provider Search. This means clients searching for providers are able to contact you about new business opportunities. Be sure to update your business profile and service coverage with the latest information to increase your opportunity for business growth.
  • Unlisted: Your business profile is currently unlisted from ServiceChannel’s Marketplace. This means clients searching for providers cannot contact you about new business opportunities. To become listed, opt in to the Directory, and confirm that your account is in good standing.

If your account status is Restricted, you are automatically unlisted from ServiceChannel’s Marketplace Search.

Current Compliance

On the Current Compliance card, you can see the number of your clients whose requirements you need to complete to become fully compliant.

Current Compliance card showing for how many clients you need complete requirements
Clicking the arrow   takes you to the Clients page where you can manage client-specific requests and add missing information, such as dispatch preferences, rate types, assigned contacts, or other details — depending on what the client requested. As soon as you complete the requirements across all of your clients, the counter on the card will show (0).

New Invitation

The New Invitation card shows the number of invitations from clients to join their network of providers. Click the arrow   to navigate to the Clients page and respond to invitations. You can either accept or decline them.

New Invitation card showing the number of invitations from clients to join their network of providers

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