Priority Analysis Tab

Priority Analysis Tab

The Priority Analysis tab allows you to review your spend, aging and distribution of invoices, work orders, and committed spend, by Priority. See your facilities budget allocation over the past 365 days, by default, or use the all-inclusive filters along the top of the report to change the date range, or to focus on specific Trades, Categories, and/or Location information (Region, District, or specific Location).

The visualizations in this report are:

You can download the data for each visualization and email reports to recipients.

Invoice Analysis by Priority

This visualization provides great value in enabling you to spot any outliers among your priorities. It clusters three-dimensional data: Invoice Amount, Average Invoice Amount, and Number of Work Orders by Priority.

Both voided work orders and work orders with an empty Status are excluded.

Each bubble represents a Priority — the more Work Orders in that Priority, the larger the size of the bubble. 

Hovering over a bubble lists the Total Invoice Amount for that Priority, the Priority name, the Average Invoice Amount, and the total Work Order Count. Clicking the bubble allows you to explore all underlying data, or filter by Trade, District, or Asset.

By default, this chart displays this data over the past 365 days; use the all-inclusive filters along the top of the report to change the date range. 

Work Order Count by Priority

This visualization summarizes the number of Work Orders in each Priority. Hover over the graph to view the total number of Work Orders for each Priority; click each one to drill down into all underlying data, or filter by Region, Feedback, or Asset.

By default, this chart displays this data over the past 365 days; use the all-inclusive filters along the top of the report to change the date range.

Open/In Progress Work Order Aging by Priority

This visualization allows you to see aging work orders along your top 7 Priorities, which can help you to spot projects that may be taking too long to close.

This graph lists all Open and In Progress work orders in the top 7 priorities by work order volume, in call-date intervals of below the last 15 days, between 15 and 29 days, between 30 and 59 days, and above 60 days. 

By default, this chart displays this data over the past 365 days; use the all-inclusive filters along the top of the report to change the date range.

Both voided work orders and work orders with an empty Status are excluded.

Committed Spend by Priority by Month

Committed Spend combines 2 pieces of data:

  1. Total Invoice Amount for work orders with Approved invoices; and 
  2. NTE Amount for work orders with no Approved invoices
    1. Work orders with an invoice in the Open or On Hold statuses will calculate under the NTE Amount.

      Both voided work orders and work orders with an empty Status are excluded.

This visualization shows the Committed Spend for each month, broken down by Priority within each stacked bar.

Hover over each color of the bar to view the Priority and the Committed Spend for that Priority for that month. Click each bar to drill down into all underlying data, or filter by Trade or Call Date.

By default, this chart displays this data over the past 365 days; use the all-inclusive filters along the top of the report to change the date range.

Commonly Used Features

Below is a quick reference guide regarding tracking numbers in Analyticsfiltering, sorting, downloading data, and sending reports.

Tracking Numbers in Analytics

Throughout Analytics you can drill down into visualizations to see the underlying data. In most cases, the tracking numbers related to that data are listed. You can click the tracking number to navigate straight to the work order details in Service Automation.

Filtering Dashboards

On top of the report are all-inclusive filters to help you hone in on key data. All reports on the page are affected by the criteria set in these all-inclusive filters.

The filter criteria for each dashboard may differ. Filters reset to the default when the page is refreshed.

 Click here to expand instructions on how to filter.
⦿ How to use Filters
  1. Click filter field to show the criteria.

  2. Select the desired criteria to include or exclude:

    1. To Include criteria: select is equal to, contains, starts with, or ends with, and then begin typing the criteria in the picklist. Select the desired criteria (or multiple criteria) from the picklist.

    2. To exclude criteria: select is not equal to, does not contain, does not start with, or does not end with.

      Is null depicts the absence of data in a data set. Conversely, is not null depicts the presence of data

    3. To include or exclude data without a certain data criteria — for example, to select data without a Region or District assigned in Service Automation — choose is blank / is not blank.

    4. To add more options, click the plus sign (+) next to a field to add another option to the filter. The new option will appear as either an OR condition or an AND condition, depending on the type of filter option.

  3. Once all criteria are selected, click Refres